View Full Version : rear camber question

21-08-04, 08:00 PM
ok im going to be fitting a set of rear discs soon but while im doing it i was going to do the rear camber mod (couple of equal on both sides of the car washers under the bottom two bolts for the hub yeah)

but the question is will this make the rear of the car handle better or is it just to help with arch lip clearence for you lot with big wheels

22-08-04, 01:13 PM
this seems to be the mod that is done after everything else is done, so it must be for track use, or for show.
I can't imagine it will do much on the road.

22-08-04, 01:51 PM
don't really need washers... try a hacksaw blade....

22-08-04, 05:38 PM
ive used 3mm washers on the top two bolts an 1mm on the bottom two. The car handles a lot better since ive done this, only thing is the back likes to dance around when going straight and being as i have very very hard suspension its interesting. but i find it worth it for the cornering ability

22-08-04, 11:01 PM
ive used 3mm washers on the top two bolts an 1mm on the bottom two. The car handles a lot better since ive done this, only thing is the back likes to dance around when going straight and being as i have very very hard suspension its interesting. but i find it worth it for the cornering ability

why not just use a 2mm washer at the bottom then?

more to the point, you seem to have gone in the opposite direction from everyione else, adding positive camber instad of negative :confused:


23-08-04, 11:06 AM
sh*t sorry yeah just read it, i meant the washers are on the other way round. Ive used tw sets of washers to push the wheel out slightly as the angle of the wheel meant that it rubbed on the shock