View Full Version : Steering wheel-PLEEAASSSEE HELP!!!!

20-08-04, 08:03 PM
Right here's the story........
I tried to get the wheel off of my gsi, tried EVERYTHING under the sun to get it off but the thing is welded on there and i ended up damaging my steering column. I've now got another steering column with wheel still attached and the bastard won't come off either!!! :evil:

Obviously the column and steering wheel i bought are out of the car and i thought this would make it easier-the plan is to get this wheel off so i just have a column, then remove the column and wheel from my gsi and then fit the new wheel that i've had for fooking ages!!!

ANY suggestions much appreciated (apart from just pull harder coz i've tried!!!!). Is there anything i can do with the column out of the car to release the wheel? Can i play with the spring behind it or anything?

Its been fooking me off so much it makes me want to sell the car so please help!

20-08-04, 08:08 PM
you best bet is to buy a steerin wheel puller mate i had probs getttin mine off but didnt need the puller but knocked me collum back trying to get it off :lol:

20-08-04, 08:22 PM
I tried a puller on the wheel in my car and no luck, but it was a general puller-i think there is a 'proper' puller that goes in the two holes in the steering wheel that may do a better job but i went to the vauxhall dealer coz i was desperate but they just said to pull on it hard and they dont use a puller to get them off :roll:

I'd pay anyone that could get it off :roll:

20-08-04, 08:33 PM
i had this trouble with mine, wat i did first was slaken the nut and then out it bk on a couple of threads, then i got a short metal bar and jus hit it from behind while sat in the drivers seat took about 10mins 2 get it off.

20-08-04, 10:08 PM
or do what some people do....

slacken the nut n drive around till it comes off

or not !

get a puller, they r an arse.

20-08-04, 10:53 PM
may sound stupid, but try spraying some wd40 on the nut and leave it to soak in over night. it might help. you never know.

20-08-04, 11:31 PM
i've just had this prob
i havea puller, and its 2short,it dont reach the holes,
so i left the nut on 2turns and pulled and shook it and after a few mins it came off,
the coloum will take a good bit of beating b4 it collapses

21-08-04, 12:03 AM
You need about 3 people and dont pull it, yank it hard as you can all at diofferent times, will come off eventually.

21-08-04, 05:28 AM
i loosened the bolt on mine and pulled it off ;) worked a charm

21-08-04, 10:56 AM
Spray WD40 on it, leave it for night or hour depending on how much time u have, then get as many people as you can to TUG, not pull on it, like lashed nova said.

I had guys at Cossvaux try to do mine, took a while, and they are BIG fellas!

21-08-04, 12:33 PM
when it comes to doing jobs like this on the car, im hopeless, but even i managed this!

its not welded on, its held on with a washer with to flaps on it and a bolt, the flaps of the washer flick up to hold the bolt!
fold these flaps back, undo the bolt, take it off, remove the washer and pull the wheel!

dont wiggle it as this WILL damage the column, it will come off, as someone said, use wd40!

jobs a gudden!

Matt Nova
21-08-04, 02:20 PM
mine was a bstard to do in the end i took it to vauxhall ?10 and two minutes later it was off

21-08-04, 02:44 PM
i still havnt got mine off my mk2 but gave up but i hear u need a special vauxhall tool which go out at the end or take it to a vauxhall dealer an i tryed pullin,yankin hittin with hammer lol

Matt Nova
21-08-04, 06:17 PM
just go to vaux mate they've special tools alot easier mine was bent and battered by the time i'd tried lol

Al Wilson
21-08-04, 06:30 PM
Nothing new but spraying WD-40 on it does work. I've removed three this way, all pigs to remove but after a soak they just popped off with a bit of gental persuasion. Don't forget to leave the nut on the end of the column though otherwise when it goes serious ijurys can happen. :cry:

21-08-04, 11:35 PM
okay cheers guys i'll have another go tommorrow, and if all else fails i'll try the vaux dealer. I really dont think it'll come off though-either of them!but i'll try.
Not much is gona happen that soon though coz my calipers are fooked and my car isnt goin anywhere :(

Matt Nova
22-08-04, 10:45 AM
The vauxhall puller will definately get it off mate mine was on solid tried everything was quite scary to see how easy it was with the puller :?

22-08-04, 01:16 PM
the puller i used just went around the outside of the wheel, i dont think it was that good. Its currently soaking in WD40 and if it still wont come off i'll be making a trip to the vaux dealer!
Better not charge me a fooking fortune either the ripp off merchants :evil:

Matt Nova
22-08-04, 05:38 PM
i had one of those big puller things didn't work either mate. ?10 they charged me and that was to put the new one on too.