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17-08-04, 09:54 PM
can you please remove my car from your signature as its mine :o


17-08-04, 11:33 PM
ooooh i think someone has hit a nerve, tut tut!

17-08-04, 11:51 PM
ooooh i think someone has hit a nerve, tut tut!

lmao, did he not ask to use it?

18-08-04, 08:42 AM
no didnt ask dunno if he asked the other two guys

Will F
18-08-04, 09:06 AM
Who cares?

18-08-04, 12:53 PM
might be photos of before you bought it off ebay!

18-08-04, 03:22 PM
PM please

18-08-04, 03:39 PM
who bought what off ebay

18-08-04, 05:03 PM
fair play he probably should of asked but i'd be flattered if someone wanted to show off a pic of my car. i mean yeah mine's nothing special but i'd be flattered if mine looked as good as yours and someone wanted to show it off for me.


18-08-04, 05:26 PM
LMFAO not worth a post about pm would have been better

18-08-04, 09:56 PM
who cares

and after reading the next few responses

i still dont care!

18-08-04, 11:03 PM
its a picture :lol: chill out get air

also can the idiot that changed my name 2 newbie get a life?

19-08-04, 08:46 AM
you are a newbie like all the others and me :roll:

19-08-04, 10:38 AM
you are a newbie now untill you reach 500 posts. i am no longer a warn out knuckles member

Will F
19-08-04, 01:25 PM
This thread is AWESOME!
Can we make it a 'Sticky'?

19-08-04, 02:04 PM
Will you took a picture of my car whilst you owned it..im going to sue you know you could have at least asked my permision :evil:

19-08-04, 02:06 PM
yer i agree ^^^^^^^^

19-08-04, 02:21 PM
pmsl! "Who changed my name to newbie..." :lol:

As for the pics.. unless there copyrighted then theres nothing you can do.. what are you gonna sue him for? lolol

19-08-04, 02:41 PM
when it come to photos the person who took them has an automatic copyright on them, no matter what the subject (hence why the paparazzi can pretty much take what they want of who they want).

A friend of mine is suing a company who used a couple of pics that he took on his website. He offered to sell them to the company for ?500 each when he discovered that they were using them (which is very cheap believe it or not) and they refused. He is now suing them and it is pretty much already won. The company has no leg to stand on.

19-08-04, 03:56 PM
also can the idiot that changed my name 2 newbie get a life?

Would you like to call me an idiot again? Perhaps you would like to pick on some other members of the admin team?

You have had your status changed to newbie, as has been mentioned because we have altered the rank setup to suit the site a little bit more.

You are a newbie because you are relatively new to the site... now sit down and shut the hell up, any calling admin names in future will result in disciplinary action.

Take a look around, there are loads of people who ar enow Newbies. In future i would suggest thinking before you speak.

19-08-04, 04:56 PM
now sit down and shut the hell up,

btw im sitting y would i stand when im on the comp :lol: powermad springs 2 mind

btw all this copyright shit over a picture take me 2 court? lol it wont even get there :lol: chill ffs its a picture

ive been a member here for a while looking around just not posting nd i think the word "newbie" should be changed 2 summit more suitable like new member or nova virgin or summit

19-08-04, 05:31 PM
ive been a member here for a while looking around just not posting nd i think the word "newbie" should be changed 2 summit more suitable like new member or nova virgin or summit

You are member number 6522 and have been a member for less then 12 months... almost 12 months but not quite. So, in the grand scheme of things you are still new to the site, hence you being called a newbie. Nova Virgin, if you ask me is actually highly unsuitable as a rank title.

As for you calling me powermad... how original. That's never been said by ANYONE else EVER when a member of th admin team has warned them that they are being an irritation and will face disciplinary action if it continues.

If you want to discuss matters further with regard to your rank title or my being power mad i suggest you do it via PM.