View Full Version : WAXOYL ... what ya sayin'?

17-09-01, 07:31 PM
erm, I didn't know whether this went into Technical or Styling ...so I didnt put it in either!

WAXOYL ...thats the stuff to stop rusting underneath the paint job isnt it?
Would u recommend putting this ALL OVER the car, or not?
My bodyshop-taking-a-damn-long-time-man is only putting it on the edge of the doors as that is where they mainly start rusting from.
Should I tell him to do any other bits, or the whole car? or is it not even necessary ??
whatever the answer, how much does it cost?

(the car is getting all rust removed first anyway ...and if its real bad at mo then I'm getting replacement panels thar r ok)

:x You'll NOVA Walk Alone :x

17-09-01, 11:06 PM
all over the underside and in the arches etc. if the interior is out then all the seams inside. synthraproof is just as good, if not better (its a liquid damp proof course dries as rubbery compound) ?30 for 25litres (i think) so its cheaper too :D

Dave Pearce, hmm he mixes like a man with no hands

17-09-01, 11:10 PM
If you put it all over the car you might have trouble trying to get a shine when you polish it, as waxoil don't polish up to good, lol

With waxoil or even cavity wax try to get as much in and on the car as possible you cant have enough cavity wax inside the car, as long as all the drain holes are clear you should be okay, try warming it up before you put it on as it will flow into all the corners and joins nicely, hth

18-09-01, 08:52 AM
mix it with 25% deisal to make it thinner then pour into doors/sills/bootlid etc

16v Nova - Toolkit comes as standard :)

18-09-01, 11:52 PM
I hate the rubbery shit Vauxhall put on the sills......the only reason my sills rusted was 'cos of that crap they put on! It just cracked, let water in and didn't let it out again, so it rusted!

The bits of the car that never had it (like bottom of doors and the rest of the sills) haven't rusted!
My sills are now totally under-seal free, and I'm not putting any back on!

19-09-01, 08:47 AM
erm ...I dont think I want it on me car now!