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View Full Version : Chav/Txt Speak

05-08-04, 07:17 PM
There has been discussion again recently about people using the site and not typing in any legible way... using text message or chav style language instead of something that we can all understand.

Well... i've decided to take a stand.
From now on I will be deleting posts which are too difficult to read. Those who type in this way often defend themselves by saying that "if you dont like how i type dont read it" ... and this is exactly what i am going to do... i am going to not read it, and instead remove it from novaload completely so nobody else has to bother not reading it either.

If you would like to complain about this, please contact me via the PM system giving full and frank reasons as to why you are unable to use the english language like everyone else manages to day in, day out.

05-08-04, 07:20 PM
thank god for that...!

no more illegible posts!


05-08-04, 07:21 PM
Not once i've seen em.

05-08-04, 07:21 PM
a few forgin lads use this site are they excluded :lol:

Al Wilson
05-08-04, 07:24 PM
Good, was wondering whether only a few of us left used ye olde English. :D

05-08-04, 07:25 PM
are these forgin lads the kind who forge documents, work at a steel-works or are they in fact foreign :lol:

People who struggle with proper english stand out because they are clearly trying. Chav/txt garbage is not needed and wont be tollerated from me anymore. I've reached, and indeed passed breaking point now.

05-08-04, 07:27 PM
lol i know am a shit speller :lol:

05-08-04, 07:36 PM
You see... you have a problem with spelling some of the more tricky words that dont really look how they sound (in yorkshirish lol). You nkow this and I have no problem with it...

Chav speak etc is another matter though. Its ignorant to expect others to want to decode what you have submitted before they can understand it as so many people using the site do these days.

The spelling of words is not so important as long as the scentance as a whole makes some sense and doesn't need to be read several times before you realise what it says.

05-08-04, 07:38 PM
yeah i know what u mean its the
"innit and dat instead of is'nt it and that stuff like that what gets to me too

05-08-04, 07:39 PM
i dnt c da problemz wit dis................
Good to see that i'm not the only one who gets fed up of this truncated way of typing 8)

Al Wilson
05-08-04, 07:39 PM

:lol: Wheres admin when you need them? :lol:

05-08-04, 07:44 PM
same goes for typos... they are something that happens to everyone. You cant help it. You can help talkin lik a tw@ tho coz it rite getz on evry1s nervz.

Al Wilson
05-08-04, 07:44 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

05-08-04, 08:18 PM
this is a great idea, because it is really p*ssing me off.... :evil:

05-08-04, 10:40 PM
good call :D

05-08-04, 11:11 PM
nice one its about time aswell :D

06-08-04, 08:30 AM
wat iz rong wiv da wey me typs ?

hmm wheres the rampant complaints from the offending typers?

06-08-04, 09:08 AM

a couple here :lol:

06-08-04, 12:34 PM
I totally agree!
I come from Scotland and I wouldnt start posting in Scottish slang!

Its ignorance if people struggle to read what you say because you've chosen to write in your own language/style.

06-08-04, 04:37 PM
TXT 'speak' only evolved due to the original 60 words per text limit, so people used abbreviations to cram in as many words as they could.

It serves NO purpose here.

Anyone arguing about it being quicker/easier to type is just talking absolute bollocks!!

The 'if you don't like it don't read it' argument is not valid either then, since the whole system works on a threaded post basis. I would have been removing these type of posts (and banning persistent TXT typers) a long time ago.

Good call Woodnose.

08-08-04, 07:26 PM
See none of the chavs jumped up to defend themselves, and only one person bothered to try and fight their cause via PM, so all must agree its a waste of time chavving the site up.

08-08-04, 11:36 PM
just found a brilliant example of it on another board i use: i wont mntion which board or the peoples names but here you go: have fun!

post 1 person a: had a drivin lesson yesterday in a micra and i cant drive it 4 s**t,

i usually have a corsa but my instructor is away till the 23rd of dis mnth- my test is on the 9th of sep,

the instructor i was with 2da sed im no were near test standard on my manovers bcoz i don give enuf throttle, and i go 2 quick, and he sed id fail if i took the test ,

but in the corsa my instructor sed dat i will pass bcoz i no the car and im quite confident,

so wat shud i do i sed well wats d point in gettin a car i mite as well jus get a gilera runner 125. and f**K a car, but every1 iv spoke 2 has either sed cancel the instructor dat iv got at the mo and wait till my 1 gets bk and do as many lessons in the corsa so dat im ready, and other ppl have sed if im not ready jus cancel it and put it bk anuva mnth or so.

so wat shud i do ppl ?

post 2 person b : do wot u feel comfortable wiv fella! wot u cud try is find another instructor who uses acorsa whilstur normal instructor is away and c if thats wot the problem is

post 3 person c: monouvers in micra very easy mate i past my test in one 2 days ago.for a 45% long corner reverse until u see the corner of the kerbs in the rear corner of your back window just follow the corner round keeping the kerbs in the corner till u get round then let the kerbs come to the middle of the back window straighten up and travel back bout 15 meters.cant fail!!if its a 90 degree corner let the first radius kerb come in to view in to the corner of the side back window then full lock straight away till you see the kebs come in to the middle of the back window straighten up travel back 15 meters or so sounds sad but it works every time mate ohnest

post 5 person d: or it could be that your current instructor is trying to get money out ov u, ie the one in a corsa. cause if you fail, your guna need more lessons, and i bet he is charging loads for you to take your test, 2hour lesson before hand, plus money to use his car on the test. trust me, driving instructors make money by teaching people, if everyone passed first time, they would be out of bussniss, it has been know that they dont correct you if theres a very little thing that you are doing wrong.....so you fail your test,and have to carry on having more lessons.
also, the change ov car doesnt help, as a learner, try to stick to the same car, as youll get used to it, and then have to get used to the corsa again. it will make life difficult, unless your a good driver (good drivers can get into any car and drive it find after a few mins) well, if you need any more advice, pm me, cause i know lots ov driving instructors......and have inside knowledge.....

Its about NOW that someone gets a bit of a hump with this:

so what are you gonna do about the written test if your driving is that bad ,because your spelling is worse.................lol

then it gets back to the original poster again:

if i cant drive the micra i mite as well just forget the whole thing about trying for a licence and jus get a 125cc and wen i crash make sure im wrote off hard or dead , coz then i won have to get a licence will i ?

and to him again: i went **to an unnamed** school so thats y its bad , how much can u get fake licences for and how do u get them coz datll b my only other option .

coz if i fail 1st time deres no way im doin it again coz ppl will b like hah hah u cant drive and stuff like dat !

and you thought NL was getting bad?

08-08-04, 11:57 PM
Fucking hell! lmfao!

Al Wilson
09-08-04, 12:19 AM
English clealy is no longer the first, nor indeed chosen language of choice :wink:

09-08-04, 03:34 PM
i cant be arsed to read that... waste of time. can tell by looking that its just non stop chav chat. i will leave it where it is though since its for example purposes. :roll:

09-08-04, 05:02 PM

Even sniffpetrol.com agrees with us!!!!

09-08-04, 05:14 PM
driving instructors make money by teaching people

He/she seems far too smart to be posting on that site!!

I always thought driving instructors did it for fun......

09-08-04, 05:32 PM
i cant be arsed to read that... waste of time. can tell by looking that its just non stop chav chat. i will leave it where it is though since its for example purposes. :roll:


09-08-04, 05:32 PM
i couldnt even be arsed to read, just irritates me far to much as i can imagine the retard chimp the other end of the computer jabbing away at the keys

09-08-04, 08:20 PM
this should please a few people,

How to talk (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/3549942.stm)


09-08-04, 08:40 PM
Children aged 12 to 16 will learn the benefits of using correct grammatical constructions, such as "you were" rather than "you was", in everyday speech.


10-08-04, 07:24 PM
U R All So narO mineded. Itz jus Evolution.

cobblers. it's rubbish. and i am removing your post lol.

10-08-04, 10:55 PM
Nice one Andy. I think I've brought this up before, but in general chat. It died down for a while, but i didnt get any admin support at the time. Thank god someone is prepared to rid the boards of these irratable posts.


10-08-04, 10:59 PM
I agree. it seems that no-one above the age of 20 wants these chav posts

10-08-04, 11:41 PM
I agree. it seems that no-one above the age of 20 wants these chav posts

*cough cough*

11-08-04, 12:07 PM
I dont think the majority of people under 20 want them either!