View Full Version : R/R on wednesday. RESULTS

03-08-04, 12:00 AM
car's going to a place in nottingham called Geoff Bloor Garages on wednesday afternoon, it's having the carb's set-up and re-jetted(if required) to suit my new cam.

any prediction's? the winner get's :? ..... nothing.

last time it made 92bhp, i've since added a piper 285 cam and got a new carb so i now have a matching pair instead of two odd ones. i think i will stick with 30mm choke's unless they can show me that 32's will make a lot of difference.
To be honest i'm not too bothered what it make's as long as it drive's well and the major flat spot below 3000rpm is sorted.

according to piper the cam will add 14bhp + a bit for the better carb's and the head was like new last time so + a bit once it's coked up(allegedly) so 110bhp would be nice but i can't see it myself.

graph from last R/R session:

03-08-04, 12:01 AM
depends on the rollers mate, aint max powery rollers are they!?

03-08-04, 12:15 AM
dunno yet, never used the place before. when i got 92 bhp was it was at velos, hopefully this place are as good.

03-08-04, 12:29 AM
you should see well over the 100mark m8 8)

03-08-04, 12:33 AM
would have thought it be over 100, i still had the flat spot below 300 after mine was all set up as the cam tends to move the power band up the rev range.

03-08-04, 02:10 AM
i think you will get a good figure benji, but you cant compare with velos as they might read totally different. The main thing is that they tune it well and the car goes alot better for it, if so then you can see any gains after this point by using the same people to compare each time.

03-08-04, 02:28 AM
Benji, can you post your results from the day and also what thier like, im in sheffield and need a good RR to go to.


03-08-04, 11:07 AM
Benji, can you post your results from the day and also what thier like, im in sheffield and need a good RR to go to.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

03-08-04, 11:17 AM
again over 100hp. should be running alot better now. you should not be that bothered what bhp you get, you want to drive the thing and be able to notice a difference!!


03-08-04, 08:15 PM
108 bhp

good luck mate

03-08-04, 08:32 PM
thanks. hopefully all will be well.

i 'tuned' the carb's tonight to get them drivable. 'syncronising' them by sticking my hand over the trumpets to see how hard they are sucking. crude but effective, it now idles (if that's what you can call it) and it drives. not bad for a first attempt. i have a book that tell's me how to do it but when i needed the damn thing i couldn't find it.

04-08-04, 05:31 PM
just got back.

108 bhp @ 6300 rpm
100 lbs/ft @ 4500rpm

very happy with that. it pulls now fron 2000rpm and after 3500 it takes off :D i will scan the graph later,
The guy at the R/R said my dizzy is holding me back as it has no vacume advance because of the carbs, it made well over 110 but with crap mid range so he set it for the best all round power. he reckon's with some mod's to the dizzy and my exhaust manifold matched to the head i will have 120bhp :o so after my holiday the head is coming off for some more work and then he can mod the dizzy.

i would recomend them to anyone looking for a good engine tuner. he charge me their standard tune up charge which is 2 hours for ?54 + vat. even though he said before hand that it could take up to 4 hour's and the car was left with him so i would of been none the wiser.

geoff bloor garages.
pavillion rd
0115 9821803

p.s. epo wins

04-08-04, 05:58 PM
Excellent stuff mate.

doh...we're never going to hear the end of it from epo now, lol.


04-08-04, 05:59 PM
that sounds like very good results there m8 8) lets hope my 1.4 engine puts out similar figures

04-08-04, 06:35 PM
sounds reasonable too.

Nice one.

04-08-04, 07:05 PM
Good results mate! let us know how the cam is!

04-08-04, 08:09 PM
good results and if it drives well then thats all that counts. Not to sure on the vacuum advance thing, they can modify the dizzy but the vac adv from what limited knowledge i have doesnt make that much.

04-08-04, 09:44 PM
well done mate those results are brill...

04-08-04, 11:31 PM
dan. at the mo it idles a bit fast, dunno if he set it like that because of lumpyness? i'll have a look tomorrow. drives good though, you cam feel it come 'on cam' and it pull's like a good un

t'other dan. he said the dizzy wasn't getting ful advance, it is hitting the stop's too early??? dunno myself but he was certain it would be better if i had the work done

05-08-04, 12:15 AM

05-08-04, 12:52 PM
Thats a really nice torque curve benji, nice one!


05-08-04, 05:12 PM
cheer's jim. he said the mod's the the dizzy would get rid of that dip at 3000rpm

Al Wilson
05-08-04, 05:17 PM
Excellent stuff. Must get mine into to be done but finding a reputable place around here is proving difficult.

05-08-04, 06:31 PM
Excellent stuff mate.

doh...we're never going to hear the end of it from epo now, lol.


pmsl you know it

its like a sixth sense u know i can just automatically tell these things :lol:

nice 1 ben
do i get owt then

05-08-04, 06:55 PM
do i get owt then

the winner get's :? ..... nothing.

05-08-04, 06:56 PM
do i get owt then

the winner get's :? ..... nothing.

yeah i read it before but was hopin u might have changed ur mind as its me :wink: :lol:

05-08-04, 06:57 PM
you really thought that? your dafter than you look

05-08-04, 06:59 PM
you really thought that? your dafter than you look

lol well yeah i know that :lol:

05-08-04, 08:11 PM
thoses figures are very good ben. the torgue is impressive for a 1400 eh?
good that you are pleased with it.


05-08-04, 08:25 PM
nice one benji

how much have you spent on your engine then ? - if you dont mind me asking

05-08-04, 08:39 PM
yeah, i'm quite pleased.

so far i've spent.
engine ?60
2 peirburg carbs (shite) ?40
weber carb ?225
K + N ?50
dellorto's ?170 + above 2
Cam ?120
sri head ?40
porting + flowing ?25 :wink:
steeting up 3 times. ?70. ?40. ?60.
2 gearboxes (one free) ?25
endless amount of head gasket's and fluid's ?xxx??

someone add that up because i can't bring myself to.

the moral of the story is: do it right the first time

05-08-04, 08:40 PM
the expensive stuff comes next. bottom end rebuild and a B+ head

Al Wilson
05-08-04, 08:41 PM
I know what you mean mate. The amount I've had to pay out re-fixing others mistakes!! At least I've learnt along the way. :D

05-08-04, 10:24 PM
You've spent around ?925 so far. It soon adds up mate, lol.


05-08-04, 10:42 PM
Dizzy may be holding it back a bit but it wont be because of vacuum advance - thats only for low rev response. As the engine spins up the centrifugal weights in the mecahnical part of the dizzy take over and overide the vacuum side of it. Leave it as it is and be happy cos the alternative is a dispak and an ecu ....... = costly for gnats worth of benefit

But i could be wrong :lol:

06-08-04, 12:10 AM
cp. dunno myself, that's just what he said.

06-08-04, 06:02 AM
i presume its on a standard dizzy which is fixed in one place.

Where a ecu controlled dispak would allow the ignition to be mapped there for give best advance/retard in every part of the rev range.

Where as the standard dizzy you are stuck to one particular point.??

I could be wrong. lol. but i presume im on the right track with that one.
Its the reason i moved to a mappable ignition.

06-08-04, 09:32 AM
I agree with CP, the Vacuum advance is next to useless. If for some reason your dizzy is holding back, there might actually be a mechanical problem with it. Is it the setup from a 1.4SR? If so these are more than capable of doing the job. Dan's, Jim's, CP's and my car all made/make good power from the 1.4SR gear and dizzy problems were never seen.

I'm impressed with the way your engine is going. I like well tuned small block engines. Keep up the good work.


06-08-04, 05:00 PM
from what i can gather he is saying i need more advance at top end. when he turned the dizzy to do this it made more peak power but lost a chunk from the midrange. so he said he could mod the dizzy so it will advance more(mechanically not vacume) while still keeping the mid range power. not sure about the vacume bit? i dunno how it work's so i can't comment.

MC. cheer's mate, it's the fact that no-one is modding the 1400 that makes me want to stick with it, when it would be so easy to do the expected thing and get a redtop. phil :wink:

p.s. i'm going to donington again this weekend :twisted:

06-08-04, 05:49 PM
Redtop = value for money these days.
They knock about for around ?300 notes now.
155BHP on tap. pretty easy conversion these days .

Again i see the point in doing the 1.4 when you look at cars like Cp's / Mc's old white sr and a few others under construction. But its like everything. It costs money to make the car quick.

I eventually got rid of me 2L 8V and decided to have my valver built. Mainly due to the power id gain and for what cost.

But like other things. i went a bit mad. (wasnt planned) lol

So decide what you want before you throw dosh at it.!

06-08-04, 05:52 PM
i've already decided to stick with a 1.4. still not sure if i shoud stick with the nova though?

07-08-04, 01:19 PM
nice stuff. I'll be putting mine on the rollers in a couple weeks once the head is run in. be interesting to see what diff will be.

Obv T40's help a lot.