View Full Version : Redtop turbs engine

29-07-04, 10:13 PM
Yo. Any1 know where I can get a 2.0 redtop XE turbo engine (complete, loom, ecu etc) with 6 speed gearbox? Be a couple of months before I actually get one but was wondering if there's a company or whatever that sells em.

What do I look out for when buying one of these?

What's a cos head (or whatever it's called)? Which XE engines have em?

Do all the XE turbs engines have 6 speed g/box's?

What's the best year to get of a XE turbs engine - what's the difference?

Do these engines last, what's the highest milage I should get?

What BHP and Torque r they standard?

How much should I pay?

Thanks loads everyone!

29-07-04, 10:33 PM
try looking for an LET as opposed to a turbod xe lol

petty but hey you might get a bodged xe turbo conversion