View Full Version : rear arch help please!!

21-07-04, 10:13 AM
Please help peeps, my rear arch is rusty can any1 help? ive got a pic on my profile under batzy's nova in 1.2 section.

21-07-04, 04:42 PM
u could try and grind it out
its a comman problem with novas my rear wheel arch is the same i attempted to grind the rust out and it worked

21-07-04, 04:51 PM
It looks and feels like its cracked about 1" abouve the arch, pain in the arse or what.

21-07-04, 05:01 PM
a real pain in the arse m8
my cars perfect except the poxy rear wheel arch
if your wheel arch is to far gone u could always get a new wheel arch

21-07-04, 05:10 PM
my cars perfect except the poxy rear wheel arch

Not including the dent you just posted about under the indicator lens then!?!

:lol: :roll: :lol:

21-07-04, 05:23 PM
not that perfect then :lol: :lol:

21-07-04, 06:33 PM
if it were me id weld in new arches they look to far gone for repair

22-07-04, 01:59 PM
how much do recon that would cost me and were can i get a replacement arch??

Al Wilson
22-07-04, 03:38 PM
Try here


10-09-04, 08:28 PM
if i was you i would put a new arch in because no matter what you do it will allways come back this is the only way to totally stop it the price ranges from ?250 fitted and painted

10-09-04, 08:56 PM
if i was you i would put a new arch in because no matter what you do it will allways come back this is the only way to totally stop it the price ranges from ?250 fitted and painted

no it doesnt stop it totally. If you dont treat the rust underneath, the new arches will just rust again..prolly worse than before.

You need to cut/grind the rust off the rear arch, then treat the rust. i'm guessing the inner rear arch is a bit shoddy too (behind the outside of the arch, a bit of metal joins it at the back to "support" it).

if this has gone rusty, theres no point in just welding another arch over the top, as the existing rust will just get worse & mess up the replacement panel.

so, grind out the old arch, repair/grind out rust, fix the inner arch section if needed (more than likely), then weld replacement panel over the top.

Lots of work=loads of labour = high ????

better off doing it yaself, if you can work a grinder and welder. :wink:

11-09-04, 12:32 PM
yeh the new arch can rust just as bad after all there usually made from mild steels which rusts like fook.

11-09-04, 01:17 PM
indeed, but if you take good precautions before and after the arch replacement, it will minimise the amount that you have to replace.

My advice would be to treat all the rust, replace the panel, then every 6 months to a year, jack the car up, and continuously oil/treat the rust. this will help clean all the rust off, and hopefully make the repairs last longer. and prevent you making too many repairs in the future :wink:

19-09-04, 12:04 PM
I just got my arches done, it cost me ?25 quid per side. Cheap i reckon they look brand new!

02-10-04, 12:30 AM
or go to autosupplies and get to arches for a tenner and cut your old ones out and mold them in!

02-10-04, 12:56 AM
i would just get a whole new back panel fitted that way you can start fresh. You will have to cut the old one out though