View Full Version : charver cars

k3rl u
19-07-04, 10:32 PM
i always thought novas were charver cars just off going with ppls words but since i have bought mine i find them canny little cars its faster then me 1.2 corsa 8v and they have lots of modding potenion as sum of u kno ill be sticking the 2 litre red top in the nova wen i could of stuck it in me corsa but iam choosing the nova as its a great little car

19-07-04, 10:48 PM
Very good choice. Good luck with the project.

a lot of people buy the corsa because they believe its better, being a newer car, but its not always the case.

IMO, the nova looks way better, and has a lot more potential than a corsa.

Al Wilson
19-07-04, 10:56 PM
Couldn't of put it better Mel. :D

19-07-04, 11:03 PM
lol why thank you :wink:


19-07-04, 11:10 PM
Whats a charver?! lol

19-07-04, 11:23 PM
wat u lot call townies , im from newcastle where bouts u from k3rl u

20-07-04, 09:16 AM
chavs scallys

20-07-04, 10:20 AM
The only problem with the Good ole Nova is the lack of decent condition shells out there I.e Rot free.

Most have been neglected and thrashed to within an inch of their life's but there are some bargins out there for the peeps who actually like to work on their cars.

I think we need more of the old skool cars being rebuilt, the whole car scene has taken a slide and the majority of people are paying others to do the work for them.

20-07-04, 10:49 AM
*cough* IAN *cough*

k3rl u
20-07-04, 05:26 PM
iam from gateshead m8 next to the angel of the north (rusty statue)

i have the corsa and the nova and i would say the nova is a lot better driver and also quciker for some reason as its the same engine u can get some charver novas tho led washer jets sunstrips so on but thats there taste if there wasent so many charvers with novas they would be classed as a gud car still u do get the nice nova kicking around tho theres a green 1 next to me brg spent thousands as u can see from the car and it looks like it has just come out the factory

21-07-04, 07:52 PM
indeed. you will find a lot of members have a hatred for led washer jets, uncar neons and "big kits". keep it standard and clean :wink: (does help if its a GTE/SR imo tho :lol: )