17-08-01, 11:03 PM
does anyone here know of someone that drives a white novadosed mk1 with a vinyl sunstip and single wiper in lincoln?-I was melting home down tritton road,and it stormed up behind me,didnt know whether to try givving it some moves or whether to try get him to pull over!-any ideas people?-if it was you I was in the red 1.2 that was infront of you with the 3 eyed fish on the parcel shelf

clear repeaters,lowered and more performance in the pipe line :)

20-08-01, 06:21 PM
lmao - 3 eyed fish?


20-08-01, 07:53 PM
LOL whats a 3 eye`d fish????

Micky@novaload.net :)

20-08-01, 07:57 PM
i am guessing like a nodding dog... but its a fish - not a dog... and has 3 eyes...
but i am probably wrong...
bob - what is it?


20-08-01, 08:12 PM
i think he means the 3 eyed fish from the simpsons??

20-08-01, 09:15 PM


21-08-01, 09:52 PM
yeah its a beanie,got a well funny expression on its face,looks like the 3 eyed thing from toy stories expression,but from the simpsons,MR Rich Dale has seen a pic of it,I thought it would make a change from a flat eric,they are associated with the fiesta popular crews with motorspunk sunstrips now,Im just waiting for everyone to get one of those monkies like on Geds footer.Only one problem with this fish on the parcel shelf,I had to velcro it down cos it always went tumbling into the backseat or up against the tailgate glass-it took me ages to get the fish mind,I wanted one in lincoln when I was in 6th form,but they didnt have it on payday,in the end I got my sis to track me one down from wales!-am I sad or not for having this fish in the car?

clear repeaters,lowered and more performance in the pipe line :)

21-08-01, 11:30 PM
The fish is mint! I want one :D

22-08-01, 05:01 PM
they were in our price a while back,cannot remember the price mind :( I got a weenie flat eric now,about 3rd size,Im tempted on lining his limbs with some flexy pipecleaner type metal so he is poseable,and using him for if I do a decent boot install... still not sure at the moment mind :( the fish is cool though,laydees seem to like it,cept they ask me what his name is :( aint named it yet,I called it brother joseth the other day,and the week before that it was colin or sebastien :(

clear repeaters,lowered and more performance in the pipe line :)