View Full Version : Last Night...

25-06-04, 05:08 PM
i have an explanation to last night's unfortunate events...





25-06-04, 05:10 PM
haha, now i know why we lost

25-06-04, 05:34 PM
lmao, i had those sent to me at some point today. had loads about david beckham. i think people are being a little harsh on him tho. if the ref had dun his job properly, and fairly in the first place i don't recon we'd of had to penalties.

25-06-04, 08:03 PM
I just watched a superslow motion of Beck's penalty and what actually happened is that as Beck's goes to take his penalty his standing foot (his left) digs into the pile of sand that is the penaly spot, this causes the sand to rise a couple of inches and makes the ball bobble up just as his right boot is swinging towards the ball, this makes him miskick it and spoons it over the bar - I know it sounds sad but it was the didgy penalty spot which caused him to baloon it over.
The ironic thing is that today they weaved in some astroturf type grass under both penatly spots to stop it happening again!!
Any "24 hours to late" gen?

25-06-04, 10:16 PM
Stop crying. Whenever England loses, it's allways because of some unfair refereeing or something else unjust isn't it. :roll:

26-06-04, 10:02 AM
well it was it shudnt have even gone to extra time had the unjust referee allowed campbells goal