View Full Version : gutted

23-06-04, 08:19 PM
me pirhanna fish died today well gutted

he was 2 years old id had him since he was tiny

when i fished him out he weighed a feckin ton

second one to go :cry:

23-06-04, 08:20 PM
ah bless...


23-06-04, 09:07 PM
aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sorry to hear that m8 :( :cry:

23-06-04, 09:43 PM
aww sorry mate

23-06-04, 10:19 PM
you going to cook it now epo?

23-06-04, 10:21 PM
you're nasty sean...

he was like family to epo... :cry:

23-06-04, 10:26 PM
you going to cook it now epo?

lol nah dont know how he died could end up givin me self gill rot or knackerin up me swim bladder :lol:

23-06-04, 10:41 PM


24-06-04, 07:51 AM

26-06-04, 08:27 AM
nah i never took ne as i didnt think it was right poor thing
i am how ever settin the tank back up and am lookin 4 another one only this time am gunna get a
diamond pirahnna (very rare) or a gold one again rare
or a black one (savage as fook) well nasty fish

26-06-04, 10:58 AM
nah i never took ne as i didnt think it was right poor thing
i am how ever settin the tank back up and am lookin 4 another one only this time am gunna get a
diamond pirahnna (very rare) or a gold one again rare
or a black one (savage as fook) well nasty fish

oooh, get a black one... that sounds fun

26-06-04, 11:02 AM
aye thats what am thinkin like as one propper went for me just when i put me had up against the tank

ill deffo feed it live mice if he's nasty ill video it an put it on here :lol:

26-06-04, 11:04 AM
aye thats what am thinkin like as one propper went for me just when i put me had up against the tank

ill deffo feed it live mice if he's nasty ill video it an put it on here :lol:

cool... do it.

i always wanted one of those - but had to settle with tropical fish :oops:

26-06-04, 11:19 AM
got tropical and gold fish hopefully get a pond next year

26-06-04, 11:26 AM
the only amusing fish that i had were barbs and siamese fighting fish

26-06-04, 07:57 PM
ive had alsorts

crabs (snigger)
water newts (they used to sit in ur hand)
lobster (nasty fucker)
fighting fish (used to be able to feed him by hand)

even breed mollies and gupies

26-06-04, 11:04 PM
ive still got 9 of mine left, had 20 but they ate each other, were bout the size of my finger nail when i got them, but about 5" now.

ive got 3 aussie blue lobsters aswell, bout 6".

and 5 rainbow crabs.

infact ive got loads of stuff!!

including nemo and doree

26-06-04, 11:15 PM
lobster used to attack me pirhannas until they tuned on him lol they were well good to watch

i found the male of the crabs was a right nasty sod with the fish but the females were sound

26-06-04, 11:46 PM
do fish have sex? if so how do they do it

27-06-04, 07:38 AM
most fish lay eggs then the male fertilises em
gupies are different

the male rubs the top of his head on the females chin area i think
and thats them shaggin
also once the females bin shagged once she can keep gettin pregnant

i think ne way am sure i read that sum where

27-06-04, 10:34 AM
most fish lay eggs then the male fertilises em
gupies are different

the male rubs the top of his head on the females chin area i think
and thats them shaggin
also once the females bin shagged once she can keep gettin pregnant

i think ne way am sure i read that sum where

yeah, they have sex (as above) and the female then stores the sperm. she can then get pregnant over and over again... and then you end up with a whole tank full like i did... :oops: lol

27-06-04, 11:38 AM
mine just got eaten or died in the breedin trap

27-06-04, 11:39 AM