View Full Version : XBOX info?

23-06-04, 05:07 PM
thinking of getting one and I've been told you can get different ones, ie V1.0 v1.1 etc

also been told you can buy all the individual bits and build your own through eBay. I'm no computer sprite but managed to build a PC through brand new cheap parts bought on eBay, so may consider it.

i'm really just making up my mind

if anyone has any info about them whatsoever then could you post it here. maybe some good links to websites etc

cheers in advance :)

23-06-04, 05:42 PM
if you buy an xbox it doubles as a suit case just eject the cd draw put all your clothes in it and there you go brilliant ehh

but seriously you can buy them quite cheap now they are easy to modify with the help of a small circuit if ya know what i mean and specwise are better then a ps2 but i personally dont rate them much prefer my ps2 which i havent touched in about 5 month lol

23-06-04, 05:51 PM
^^ why touch it when you can play with your penis. Word.

I rate X-boxes. Had mine for a year now, played on it once for 15 minutes 9 months ago. Rock on. Still continue buying games (official one's, none of this copy crap) tho lmao Just incase it is. lol

23-06-04, 10:06 PM
i have an xbox (for about 18months)

i dont think the versions have much to do with it unless you get a really early one which has a crap dvd rom drive.

mines been chipped and i have to say its one of the most useful consoles ever since being chipped. plays divx, any region dvd, etc blah blah and "backup" games.

granted i only play for about an hour a week. but its just amazing. and if i had any other conlose id probably only play an hour aweek as i just get bored of it after a while.

but imo the xbox is wayyy better than the PS2.

23-06-04, 10:13 PM
Buy one, get on Live, it's awesome.

I've been playing PC games online for years but hardly ever now. The experience isn't as slick or as integrate as the 'box. Think it's about ?30 a year? Do it!

23-06-04, 10:29 PM
having seen games going for a 5er inc p+p on eBay (and I mean good ones) I'm not sure its worth chipping etc.

I've never been into computer games (except command and conquer) and the only console I ever had was a master system II which I sold after 6months as I got bored. I wouldn't play on it religously, so wouldn't be fussed on queueing for the latest games lol.

I've seen them on amazon for ?120 with one controller. I'd rather get a brand new one from a major company incase it breaks etc. sod buying the whole thing on eBay, not worth the hassle.

gonna have a look in woolworths and curry's and a few others tomorrow to see what offers they have.

the sooner I get one, the sooner I can play Rainbow Six 3 :D

23-06-04, 10:46 PM
when you do mate, let us know will ya

I'm in the Xbox or PS2 dilemma...

what do you need to play on one in the car ?

including the preout ( ? ) or whatever it is that you need to link up to a screen from the head unit

23-06-04, 11:58 PM
there was only 2 reasons for me to consider the PS2 over the xbox


i settled on the Xbox due to halo and sega GT

i played GT3 and the graphics are pap. ok you cant mod the cars as much on sega gt etc blah blah but hey

and GTA vc and 3 is on the xbox now (although im not a fan as its a bit dull not cheating lol)

project gotham 2 OH WOW!!! amazing

24-06-04, 12:34 AM
4 player Halo all the way in our house, looking forward to Halo2 in autumn, I've got a PS2 too that I hardly touch, only for Grand theft auto occasionally.

Not got mine chipped but have been thinking about it for ages, Its only worth doing if you change the hard drive to something bigger like a 80gig, as the standard 8 gig wont hold much.

24-06-04, 08:32 AM
i dunno, i had mine chipped while keeping the 8.4gig. the guy put mame + 3500 arcade games on lol
and splintercell (which yeah itsgreat but im not a fan as its too fiddly)

the hdd is nearly full, but ive still got over half a million save slots left :D (or what ever the big number is lol)

im gonna get it rechipped soon as i want a more uptodate chip + software on it.

24-06-04, 03:35 PM
well I'm buying one from amazon. everywhere i tried today was ?129, amazon is ?119. gonna get an S controller too.

:D :D

just gotta get splinter cell and a few others off eBay now!

24-06-04, 03:48 PM
I have an Xbox and they are better than a ps2, the games run more stable(no crashing etc).
If you get it legally modified :lol: don't use xbox live because as soon as you log onto xbox live microsoft know your xbox is modded and download a new bios onto your hard drive, which is useless. Making your xbox useless.
You need a mod chip that you can turn off to use live.
And as long as you get a new version xbox then it should have the better dvd drive than the early ones.

Check out here for more info:-

26-06-04, 10:23 AM
gotta admit i love project gotham 2 the only trouble is i have to take the kids to toys r us inorder to play it as ive got a ps2 :lol:

27-06-04, 07:53 AM
im gonna get it rechipped soon as i want a more uptodate chip + software on it.

it's really not hard to flash the bios on the chip. if you goto www.xbox-scene.com there are guides on how to do it.


27-06-04, 10:21 AM
im lazy :p

and i want a newer chip. not sure why though lol

27-06-04, 11:15 AM
what sort of chip do you have? is it the solderless one? if so, I'll buy it off you if you dont want it anymore.(depending on price :D)


27-06-04, 07:36 PM
its an xecuter 2
dunno which version, but its about 18 months old

. the guy put in the pin connectors. im not worried about soldering (used to do it for a living in a pretencious factory lol)