View Full Version : hers a question for ya !

08-08-01, 02:30 PM
Im soon to be starting my 2.0 conversion. I have a bit of a problem, when I start the work, my car will be off the road for about 4 or 5 weeks. During this period I need to lock my car, which under normal circumstances would be fine, except I have no locks, not in my doors or my boot.
The battery will be disconnected as I can't leave it connected because Im removing the whole wiring loom. As the battery controls the alarm and remote central locking so how the hell do I lock the car ??????

Kill your speed !!!
Not a Squirrel !!!

08-08-01, 02:34 PM
Get a pitbull to put in the boot m8, then u wont need to lock it. :D

Ease Yourself Back Into Conciousness !!!!!

08-08-01, 02:37 PM
Cant you temporarily wire the alarm/cl to the battery? or use a coat hanger down the side of ur window lol


08-08-01, 03:33 PM
1. Cant you open you're bonnet, shut all your doors, set your alarm, which will lock your doors, then disconnect the battery from the engine bay? Then when you've fitted the 2.0 and got it all sorted, wire your battery back up and hey presto, your doors should open when you de-activate the alarm.


2. Buy yourself a house with a Garage and keep your car in the locked garage :D


P.S. I hold no responsibility if you do suggestion 1, and upon re-connecting the battery, it fails to open the doors ;)

"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winnings winning!"

08-08-01, 04:34 PM
why lock it? its not gonna be nicked is it?

take the stereo out and stuff and u will be fine

Micky@novaload.net :)

08-08-01, 04:51 PM
you might get up one morning and find a trap sleeping in it though
how rar away is it fron you house ???
just chain it to the floor that is what i done with my moter bike

:) decisions decisions :)

09-08-01, 08:49 AM
disconnect the + and fit a temporary 30 amp fuse between the trminal and the wire just incase you short out a live, all that will hapen is the fuse will blow, but it will be big enough to run the c/l.

09-08-01, 12:10 PM
where abouts do you live mate?


sleep in the damn thing, ne way if u have all the bits for the conversion it should only take like 1 weekend :D

09-08-01, 12:40 PM
nobodies gonna nick a car with no engine...lol

take all the valuable bits out and just leave it mate ;)

also, print on an A4 sheet of paper "smile, your on CCTV" and stick it inside the window or summit ;) lol

09-08-01, 04:57 PM
Ive solved it ! I have got a spare boot lid in my garden, Im gonna fit that and that way I can lock the boot, if I vcan find the key for it !!!


cheers for all of the sugestions although Im not sure Id use eny of them...lol

Kill your speed !!!
Not a Squirrel !!!

09-08-01, 09:45 PM
erm why not leave on ov your squirrel things in it with strict orders to kick off if sumbody takes the piss?

Micky@novaload.net :)

10-08-01, 10:29 AM

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