View Full Version : Amusing website

07-08-01, 01:02 PM

couldnt see a 306 on there though :D

lol only joking

07-08-01, 01:23 PM
Even better one,



07-08-01, 01:23 PM
Even better one,


Phwooa! :D

07-08-01, 01:30 PM
I dont beleive the maxi is on there !!! i love that car!! nice to see the ka and tigra on there with all the oldies

07-08-01, 01:37 PM
Why did mine post twice?

By the way Ian my mate told me that your misus buys you everything for your car,whys that then?

07-08-01, 01:54 PM
DOH! TR7?? Dart?? frogeye?? Aero 8??


Bah, wheres the saxo?

Those cars are classics, and are ace and jus deserve better.

07-08-01, 02:21 PM
cos your mate lies lol
if u want the truth try asking someone that knows.

mark u have strange taste in cars well we know that after saying you want a renault 5, that should be up there too.

07-08-01, 02:39 PM
But wot is the difference between a mk1 nova and a mk2! :'>

07-08-01, 03:17 PM
Nahhhh, 5 gt is out of the window, on the top of my list is punto gt & calibra 16v, we will see, mine is still gettin painted, and keepin it till at least june, so no callin me names!

07-08-01, 03:46 PM
ian, no disrespect, but fast car did say emma bought your alloy wheels for you.
and your snap off steering wheel
and her and your future mam in law did ur leather interior didnt they?

07-08-01, 04:52 PM
wrong wrong and wrong.
firstly, it wasnt in fastcar, secondly redline said emma bought them, she is on chat and you can ask her when you see her.
snap off wheel? really i didnt have one in the feature, but as a matter of fact she did buy that one as a birthday present.

if you believe everything you read in mags, you are even more stupid than i thought, they are not interested in the truth just something to put in mag.
ask brett warburton if he put his car into a house? well max power said he did so it must be true! it was actually his girlfriend who put an old car of hers in a hiouse nothing to do with brett.
(this below is courtesy of jon walsh- redline mag, and for legal reasons is not my opinion just what he put on the novaowners mailing list)
how about the golf in last months fast car? he was promised front cover(of course a mag said so obviously true davo) they then told him after the shoot sorry you not having cover, so he said no dont feature it ill get cover else where, apparently they said tough our photos we are publishing.

DO not believe what you read.

and davo if you want to call me a liar(whether being subtle or not) then we can always re negotiate this ban for you, if you are insistent on causing trouble, i had already once said it was not true, so u say it again.

07-08-01, 06:31 PM
i wasnt calling you a liar, i think your looking for excuses to bann me now. :P i was just saying that the mag said that. And i knew that emma bought you a steering wheel. i was merely posting my view and input into the site, be not very good as mr ste sa pointed out, but it was input :P

So be a happy chappy and dont go pressing the little bann button.

07-08-01, 07:15 PM
lol i'm too busy looking for the "teach davo to spell" button
ban - its quite simple 3 letter word, even a 3 year old could spell.

07-08-01, 10:32 PM
mark d my mates selling a calibra 2.0 16v (thrashed though) and a 2.0 16v turbo which he hasnt owned long enough or had petrol in to kill :)

08-08-01, 01:31 PM
Ian how cums you like threatening people with bans, is it because you can't take a bit of a laff? or is it because your powercrazed or wot,......... or is it because you know that Davo always puts a good arguement across, which you never really seem to have much of a comeback???

08-08-01, 01:49 PM
Ian, lay of the Lucozade and dairy milk,think they're making you a bit hypo!!

source: ex-colleague......aiyt ;)