View Full Version : petrol smell

20-06-04, 01:48 AM
started to smell petrol near my car now, what could this be apart from leak in the petrol tank, i dont think there is any leaking out, cant see any on the drive.


20-06-04, 10:32 AM
i used to smell petrol on mine but i couldnt see a leak n no petrol was leaking on my drive. it was only when i started to strip the car for a rebuid that i found out that the return pipe to my petrol tank had a very small leak, which in turn had managed to get behind the underseal n rust the floor to the rear nearside foot well. u couldnt even see anything from underneath. so my advice would be have a b****y good look around!

20-06-04, 11:23 AM
yeah, will have to mate.

i took my carb off the other day th lol. but put it all together as it was, all pipes reconnected etc. but u think that might have summit to do with it?
the mixture to rich ?

cheers m8

20-06-04, 12:45 PM
Might just be overfueling badly.

20-06-04, 01:10 PM
started to smell petrol near my car now, what could this be apart from leak in the petrol tank, i dont think there is any leaking out, cant see any on the drive.


You have to remember that petrol evaporates quite quickly but the fumes hang around longer, so even if you can't see any petrol on the drive it doesn't mean it hasn't got a small leak somewhere.
Best bet is to run the car and let it tick over, lie on the drive and see if you can see it dripping anywhere, if not then try and feel for any dampness where the flexible fuel lines join the solid ones - the pipe can become brittle and cracked at the ends and start to seeps out.

Like I say, it's much easier to smell petrol than to see it, even a few drips of fuel can stink but are very difficult to actually see.

20-06-04, 05:30 PM
actually just ahd a proper ook and the pipes that run along the bottom of the car to the petrol tank are attatched to two small rubber pipes, these are split and leakin out. cant see em being that much to replace

20-06-04, 07:31 PM
.....where the flexible fuel lines join the solid ones - the pipe can become brittle and cracked at the ends and start to seeps out.

Lucky guess by me!!

21-06-04, 05:45 PM
fixed it now

cheers people :D