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View Full Version : Need New Rear Bumper!!

17-06-04, 09:15 PM
I had a full abyss kit on my nova the other week untill some t.w.a.t run in2 the back of me, now the rear end is on the mend i want a new rear as im having the tailgate smoothed ova and i didnt like the abyss bumper anyway... Any ideas people.... would the novadose rear go wi the front abyss?? come on lads and girls help please.

18-06-04, 12:21 AM
Well what do you like, you have to drive the car.
I think the Novadose rear suits any bumper. It isn't too extreme.

18-06-04, 12:28 PM
I like the Kingdom rear.... Not to OTT, just deeper than the original... But quite expensive! :( About ?250 I think

18-06-04, 09:05 PM
I'm not a great fan of the novadose one, i think it's too big and bulky. I like the look of QC's viper rear, altho for a lot less than ?200 you could get a GTE rear and smooth it yourself... Alternatively there's the magnum rear

22-06-04, 06:45 PM
make ur own rear bumper im usin a peugeot bumper

22-06-04, 11:44 PM
i like the kingdom rear too neil, if a tad too deep (only a bit).

i contemplated using a peugeot 106 rear, cant go using that french sh*te though

23-06-04, 07:06 PM
i got this bumper for sale mate, dunno what u think, but just an offer

25-06-04, 01:42 PM
rear bumper looks real nice. one above :D

25-06-04, 04:02 PM
isnt that bumper the evo rear bumper or similar? :roll:

25-06-04, 04:31 PM
na its the inovator bumper from rj automotives, used to have the front but smashed it