View Full Version : LMAO

03-08-01, 11:02 AM
after chatting to Ian the other night about the polo harlequin i had to go on the hunt for it...and OMG :O i dont belive they are making this car for real -


03-08-01, 11:20 AM
hahahahhahaha fu*in hell they making that


role, role....oh shit there goes my wheel

03-08-01, 11:42 AM
that car has been out for about 3 years, I first saw it at the Motor show 1998 and thought how disgusting it is. It also has leather interior which is the same, different colour pieces.

Theres 4 of em going about in Uxbridge where I work. Fucking disgusting !!!! But still better than an XR2

"why did the XR2 driver cross the road?"

"because he had his knob stuck up the chicken's arse !!"

03-08-01, 11:44 AM
I remember seeing them a few years ago aswell, it just looks like they have used all the bits lying around the workshop or something!!!!!

A Jellybaby goes to the doctor and says "I've got AIDS"

The doctor says: "You can't have AIDS you're a Jellybaby"

The Jellybaby replies "I know I'm a Jellybaby, but I've been shagging

03-08-01, 11:53 AM
Its for women drivers....cheaper to repair once they prang it, no need to spray the car to match, any panel will do.

and yes been out a few years.

03-08-01, 12:17 PM
If there's enough different combinations, you could buy four of 'em and make four decent, all the same colour Polos, and sell 'em....have to be worth more after than as they are :D

This miss-matching body panel thing is nothing new.....there's loads of Fords like that already :D

03-08-01, 12:21 PM
theres about 3 of em around here where i live! they wonder why i laff when i see em!

03-08-01, 12:28 PM
i was filling up at the garage one day and this woman pulled up beside me in one, i took one look and fell on the floor pissin me self laughin u shoud of saw her face i think she wanted to take it back! lol, one of the lads had to pay for the petrol cos i was in such a state

im a little 0:) but a >:) under the sheets

03-08-01, 12:41 PM
Peeps must have more taste around Sheff, 'cos I've never seen one locally :D
Then again.....there's plenty of Saxos, so can't have that much taste :O

03-08-01, 01:13 PM
ha ha ha ha nice one slammed ...I can picture that.

03-08-01, 01:47 PM
lmao i can imagine thatone myself, i doubt i could resist breaking a few ribs laughing at anyone pulling up in one.... :D

03-08-01, 02:32 PM
WHAT the flyin fuck is that!, is it waitin toi be sprayed or somthing? LOL (joke)

I think i saw one of these @ a garage the other week but i thought it may just be a stupid fucking driver but nethertheless, who the fuck desgined it?

"Ill do anything to help aslong as it aint a saxo"

03-08-01, 06:36 PM
well fuck me shirley!

...thats davo's car

12" vinyl Hard House & Trance ?3.00 each Get in touch for a list

03-08-01, 06:48 PM
how easy are they to cut and shut??? ;) ;)

Micky@novaload.net :)

03-08-01, 09:31 PM
there's a smart car in them colours in derby