View Full Version : Sumbody was baked LMAO

29-07-01, 08:58 AM
my mates made mark d a joint last nite at cruise.

they said they made it with this really harsh strong stuff and it was 95% skunk

mark had half and looked smashed when i was tlaking to him. eyes where half shut LOL
he had the other half and didnt say anything

he then walked over to his car got in and went white, he didnt say anything for a bout a hour LMAO he just sat in his car by himself spackerd.

I have never seen anybody so stoned in my life

my mate had to drive his car back for him LOL

his eyes were shut for 90% ov the time after he had the joint LOL

ha ha ha ha ha

Micky@novaload.net :)

29-07-01, 12:07 PM
micky u should have seen mark at the beach he just sat in his car, white as fuc and he looked as if he was meditating LOL he was still spackered alll night and he was as white as a sheet LOL doug and chunk were taking the piss out of him HAHA he stayed at carls last night coz his parents are on holiday, bet mark feels like shit this morning ! LOL was funny.

29-07-01, 01:09 PM
that must of been some potent skunk to do that to him mate i tell ya. half a zout as well?! what was in it for godsake, blatantly summit more than draw!!!

And God said, "Let there be the GSi"

29-07-01, 02:39 PM
Mmmmmmmm, druuuuuuugs.


Erm, it was my shit, from bradford, sum1 i know brings it up.

Erm used bout 7quids worth of pure stuff, and half a tab!

no wonder i didnt move for nearly 3 hours!


Was a good nite tho :p

30-07-01, 10:39 PM
was even better sitting watching you!

ha ha ha ha ha

Micky@novaload.net :)

02-08-01, 06:17 PM
lol twas very funny lol ;0)

03-08-01, 09:21 AM
hey mark m8 i know where u live now, come past ur house with me m8 the other day, we went to look at that Black GSi that was for sale in bedlinton, he was gonna hav it but we were 5 mins to l8 and some 1 else bought it! he was well pissed off but i told him to keep hold of his money cos better 1's come along all the time. Is the new owner on this site???? who knows?

im a little 0:) but a >:) under the sheets