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31-07-01, 08:49 PM
ok, i probably wasnt missed! :( but Ive just got back from a nice week in Greece!

I was just reading through the posts and read the 2 about boyracers etc.

Everyone is against it and wants to do something about it, right?

Well I was thinking maybe we could get some sort of "anti-speeding" stickers or summat made, not a crap government-style one, like a cool trendy one. We could try and get rid of the crap "boy racer" reputation our novas have?!?

In Greece they are just as bad, it makes it worse having no pavements tho!
Imagine walking home from an ace night out with your mates and all the Greek sex goddeses, your very pissed and walking in the road, then some little fat melon head comes speeding towards you on his mega loud moped X-( You know you'd shit urself, they seem to like to drive straight for you, and Im not exagerating!
After a few nights I was prepared and sprayed a kid with some water, he soon slowed down! :P

Anyway, if its a crap idea any other suggestions?



31-07-01, 08:53 PM
nice idea kev

where did ya go? cos i came back from crete a few weeks ago.
also, did ya notice that all the greek birds (except the ones over 30) have got really nice arses??? :-/

12" vinyl Hard House & Trance ?3.00 each

31-07-01, 09:02 PM
Went to a small island callet Thassos ;)
Very nice place!
Of course I noticed the birds arses, we reckon that say 80% of the birds could easily be models if they came to Britain! i want to go back!!


31-07-01, 09:07 PM
have to agree :p

12" vinyl Hard House & Trance ?3.00 each Get in touch for a list

31-07-01, 11:55 PM
i've been thinknig bout this kev, and i have come up with phrases, and will work on the deisgns tomorrow:

Kill your speed not a squirrel

Rat man is watchin your speeding

Slow down the beavers are crossing

Dont speed, the squirrels are sleeping

Rats deserve a life, dont ruin there chances

Beavers are road users too! Slow down

just a few i knocked up, what you all think?

Anybody lend me ?599?

01-08-01, 12:13 AM
what bout:

a ferret is not for christmas, its for the restof your life.


Give a rat some cheese, and it will feed himself. give a rat a goat and it will have the chance to work itself out of the sewers. lmao :D

If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!


Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!


If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?

01-08-01, 08:41 AM
how about ...drugs are killing your brain davo?
squirrels?????, rats???????, you freak! (apologies to freak....no offence meant)

01-08-01, 09:02 AM
lmfao @ Davo !!! Squirrels !!

"what you mean I'm called Achilles and Ive got an Achilles heel, I'll be a laughing stock !"

01-08-01, 09:17 AM
The problem is I don't think we'll ever get stereotyped as anything other than boyracers. Even the name suggests that only young males drive like idiots, there are females out there that drive just as dangerously (I'm not saying that to start an argument Donna or Sky)

Also, did anyone see GoodDriver last night? They had this melon of a driver thrashing his Nissan Bluebird down the country roads. He had music playing, Fluffy Dice, a sun strip, basically they picked on somone who they thought was as stereotypical boy racer. He was driving like a loonatic to scare his Mother-in-law (it was funny as fcuk to see this womans face) but it pi55ed me off that TV has continued to brand all young drivers like this.

In truth I don't think theres anything that we can do to stop us being stereotyped. Maybe if we got the guy from Good Driver to come down to a meet and see that were not boy racers, but enthusiasts.

Unfortunatley there's always a minority that want to do donuts and handbrake turns and it's this minority that get on the TV and give us the bad name.


"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winnings winning!"

01-08-01, 12:34 PM
listen to Jim... wise words ;) Welcome back Kev, have you got a sun tan? lol :D

01-08-01, 12:45 PM
could you imagine a drug that was called squirrels. m8 u want any squirrel? lmao, i would piss myself if somebody asked me that. and then the price for them; oi mate how about ?60 for 7 squirrels. lmao im gonn ahve to stop now.

If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!

Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!

If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?

01-08-01, 01:05 PM

what bout that?

01-08-01, 01:27 PM
so your dead busy at work then Davo mate ?!?! :p

Nova Community
Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk

"Monkey...we need more telly"
"no silly man...we need better telly"

01-08-01, 01:29 PM
yep, i came on your site to annoy u but you not online you fool. lol

* If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!

* Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!

* If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?

01-08-01, 01:51 PM
shoudln't it be if it mooves f?ck it ...etc??

01-08-01, 02:12 PM
lmao @ Davo

or it could be SOS save our squirrels

did you know theres actually a top london garage DJ called Squirrel !! seriously I hear it all the time when they are advertising big events in clubs !

"What do you call a lesbian Dinosaur.......................................... .....................................Lickalotapus" !!!

01-08-01, 02:55 PM
lmao, i also got an email address at rat world

so its davo@ratworld.com lmao, i pissed myself when i saw it. pugtek has had the squirrel treatement. lol

* If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!

* Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!

* If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?

01-08-01, 03:01 PM
http://email.ratworld.com/cs/92/18/06/61892/c/images/banner.gif lmao, hahahaha

* If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!

* Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!

* If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?

01-08-01, 03:57 PM
lol is that where Ian goes on the pull ?

"What do you call a lesbian Dinosaur.......................................... .....................................Lickalotapus" !!!

01-08-01, 04:11 PM
why bring me into this?

01-08-01, 04:22 PM
ah ha ! so you have entered the fray of squirrel taming !

"why did the XR2 driver cross the road?"

"because he had his knob stuck up the chicken's arse !!"

01-08-01, 04:22 PM
ah ha ! so you have entered the dangerous world of squirrel taming !

"why did the XR2 driver cross the road?"

"because he had his knob stuck up the chicken's arse !!"

01-08-01, 06:58 PM
well i think Davo's window sticker is sorted...

"Slow Down! Do you really want to crash into the arse of a chutney ferret?"

12" vinyl Hard House & Trance ?3.00 each Get in touch for a list

01-08-01, 07:28 PM
might get it made up!

* If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!

* Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!

* If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?

01-08-01, 11:53 PM
Davo...is it copyrighted, 'cos I want to print a copy for my rear window :D


***MKII SR and GSi brochure scans now on www.novabug.co.uk ***!

01-08-01, 11:59 PM
well, there is a fee to pay towards the squirrel foundation. But they are producing new sticker all the time, so i will see what i can do.

but no go ahead and print. lol. u serious?

* If it bleeds fuck it, if it dont bleed fuck it till it does!

* Can you count to 16? well good girl thats good enough for me :D!

* If i give you a sweety will you play with my ferret?