View Full Version : Can been hit

Flairing Nova
09-06-04, 12:58 AM
Cant bl**dy believe it - after a great day at pv show with the blue devil looking rather fine, today some muppet decides to leave there imprint in it and drive into it!

Not even a little mark - whole of drivers door is mashed, wont open on R/C/L and cant get door open - oh what fun...best thing is my car was parked up and they didnt leave a note or anything!

If i find out who hit it...


09-06-04, 08:24 AM
Chalk up another one on the bashed novas list :(

unlucky mate, its bad enough when someone hits your car, but when they just drive off and leave it thats far worse.

09-06-04, 08:25 AM
Sorry to hear that

09-06-04, 08:28 AM
....i'll bet it was a 106 :evil:

09-06-04, 08:28 AM
every one seems to be crashing/getting crashed in to lately. shame to here that mate as your car did look quite fine on sunday

nam :o

09-06-04, 08:39 AM
thats not good mate, soz to hear it :roll:

09-06-04, 08:24 PM
unlucky mate, hope u get it sorted

09-06-04, 08:49 PM
hope u find em
feel free to modify there car with a lump hammer or gasket stripper