View Full Version : fitting new stalks

07-06-04, 12:14 PM
i have a set of cavalier indicater and wiper stalks, and am trying to fit them to me mk1. i found a guide on www.vauxnova.co.uk , but it says mk1s will need to be rewired. there is a diagram but its a bit compilicated. can ne1 help, is the rewiring jus for the rear washwipe, or all of the pins? thanks

07-06-04, 05:23 PM
a mate of mine put some mk3 astra stalks in (the same as the corsa) and they went straight in. try those

08-06-04, 11:39 AM
dere de same, all vauxhalls after 1992(i think) except the nova, have the same stalks. i think its jus de wiring for the RWW as this is on de dash not the stalk. iz this rite, no other rewiring! mk2 is jus a stright swap, mk 1 aint!!!

08-06-04, 04:04 PM
my mates was a mk1. he got the stalks with the rear wiper control as we used that for the smooth boot release. as i say straight in. he didnt have a rear wiper before the flush either