View Full Version : f**k me im pisd off

Ric 16v
05-06-04, 07:11 PM
first ov all i'v just found out that someone else on here who has a feature car has been slagging my car off saying it's shit and all and now it looks like im not going to pvs04 seen as ppl have dropd out of cumming down with me and Im not going to be the only one driving down and back up, so at the moment im majorly pissd off

5_door owner
05-06-04, 07:20 PM
head up matey,

how can anyone cuss your car its mint m8.

i cant get down to pv neither, so im makin a recess into my GTE rear bumper kinda like yours but on the right hand side, now all i need is a nova to put the dam thing on lol :D

05-06-04, 07:50 PM
go down on your own, i ended up being on my own at the shoot out a few weeks ago as my mate got too drunk the night before and couldnt hack it an then the just novas van blew up on the way down. Just because they let you down doesnt mean you dont have to miss out on it.

05-06-04, 08:07 PM
yeah come on down, were all nice (appart from storey lol)

05-06-04, 09:33 PM
yeah come on down, were all nice (appart from storey lol)

if you mean ian ... his dog is cool too lol

05-06-04, 09:57 PM
u not going wid barker ?

05-06-04, 10:53 PM
get your self down to lymm (poplar 2000) services for 6am.....


06-06-04, 10:46 AM
Unfortunatley not everyone is going to like your car. So what if someone doesn't like it. As long as you like it, that's all that matters.


Ric 16v
06-06-04, 11:04 AM
u not going wid barker ?
no just found out yesterday that hes going with sum ov his other mates, and I hope his car fucks up so he cant get back, lol im not realy botherd thought, still pissd off but thers allways next year

06-06-04, 11:33 AM
u not going wid barker ?
no just found out yesterday that hes going with sum ov his other mates, and I hope his car f**k up so he cant get back, lol im not realy botherd thought, still p**s off but thers allways next year

dont worry i got left behind also

shit happens and like you say. plenty of ppl with post pics and there IS always next year!!

as it happens im off to go help fit a valver now. so time to get all dirty again ffs!!