View Full Version : FAO - Kev (Big Boss Man)

18-07-01, 11:09 AM
Ello matey, jus wonderin, how long has the site been going now?

Can you find out when i first signed up?

Jus wonderin how long i have been on, seems like ages now!

You ever thought bout havin like an instant message thing on the site?

Like the online now bit, click on the name & send em a message?

Is it possible, jus think that would be ace.



testies, testies one, two, three...


wotttt the foooook?


18-07-01, 11:48 AM
yes the online (novaload messenger) is in progress, i have seen it working but kev has a little bit to do on it.
his laptop is broken so needs fixing b4 he can fix that.

18-07-01, 11:54 AM
ahhh, so thats what that little box was!

Didnt work tho, error msg, keep it up Kev, that will be ace!

See, what would you do without my ideas...


testies, testies one, two, three...


wotttt the foooook?


18-07-01, 11:54 AM
ooops...laptop breakage = ?squillions...:O hope it's not too fecked!

Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk
Nova Community & Totty Cams!

18-07-01, 12:21 PM
so that will be why feature cars hasn't been updated ?

"Don't just look at it......................EAT IT!!!!!"

18-07-01, 01:21 PM
Mark, get ready to be eaten...you've just thrown a match onto a burst gas main saying that! :O :p

Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk
Nova Community & Hidden Cameras in a Sunbed Parlour!

18-07-01, 01:21 PM
i am on drugs...'Mark?!?!?'...

Damian i meant ;)

Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk
Nova Community & Hidden Cameras in a Sunbed Parlour!

18-07-01, 01:43 PM
hmmmm, Ged on drugs?

nahhh, only a person who rides a scooter with the same colours as a subaru rally car could be on drugs...

oh. :p

testies, testies one, two, three...


wotttt the foooook?


18-07-01, 01:48 PM
even though this msg is for kev, its got quite a good response. lol

Anybody lend me ?599?

18-07-01, 02:06 PM
Just had another amazing idea, what about a search function on the forums?

Would save a fair bit of hassle, b4 peeps post, they can search for a past topic, so they dont have to hassle peeps again & again!

wey aye man! belter!

testies, testies one, two, three...


wotttt the foooook?


18-07-01, 04:01 PM
wicked site im glad i signed up im gonna sign up for PNG tommorow !!!!!

u txted me askin 4 my tech specs and pics u aint put em up yet though how comes???

"Ill do anything to help aslong as it aint a saxo"

18-07-01, 06:25 PM
mark you just know peeps wouldnt use the search feature. i would personally find it usefull but the "newbies" and pains wouldnt bother.

K&N how many times do you need to see "kevs laptop is broken" b4 you realise that things wont be done till its fixed!!

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D