View Full Version : ouch!

28-05-04, 10:46 AM
Ahhh the lovely sound of splintering fibreglass...

There's me on a roundabout yesterday in my hatch, some old blue rinse brigade biddy pulls right out in front of me in her ford. I have to almost stop to avoid her, she bimbles about really slowly and just as i'm about to move round behind her to get off the roundabout *blam* a 106 goes right up my arse :(

I saw him coming at the last second and let off the brake to soften the impact, but he's still flattened my rear bumper and made a rather nice dent in the rear valance underneath the boot. There was a bit of rust there so it looks a bit messy, i don't think it'll be a simple case of hammering it back out.

Typical really, my holiday is coming up soon and i was hoping to have the hatch available for use.... now i have to wait to get it repaired, which - if we go thru the insurance - will probably take ages :(

28-05-04, 11:18 AM

Bet your well pi**ed off! You avoid one accident then someone goes into the back of you. Thats harsh luck mate.
Can you def get it repaired tho? At least that's summut.

28-05-04, 11:20 AM

28-05-04, 11:39 AM

all ive been reading on here of late is ppl having crashes, theres prolly been about half a douzen already!

28-05-04, 01:34 PM
unlucky mate, i agree with Taz, good few accidents recently... gutted for everyone i.

28-05-04, 01:46 PM
ive noticed that loads of people have had crashes recently, most my mates are off the road. I had the same happen to me last year some old fart ran intot he back of me when i was stationary, if you go through insurance expected to messed around loads.

28-05-04, 04:23 PM
Well got a couple of quotes for repair, looks like about ?800+ (for replacement rear panel, pull a slight crease out the boot floor, and a ?100 bumper?!?) and insurance will probably write it off :(

28-05-04, 05:35 PM
yep i got quoted 800 for repairs was exactly the same as yours, the guy came round to vlalue the car and took one look at said ?300. Then we had load of trouble cos he then went off wrote it off(which is didnt no about) got pulled by the police who did a check only then did i found out the retard had written it off.

28-05-04, 07:40 PM
:o sorry to hear that mate, i almost had this done to me when a learner pulled out in front of me on a rounderbout and cut across THREE lanes (he was in the left lane to go left only, but wanted to go right!)..so me slamming my brakes on while he manouvred over the rounderbout in BUSY rush hour traffic almost caused an accident..i was lucky..

Hope you can sort out the damage and it doesnt end up writin ur car off.

29-05-04, 03:11 PM
was it a woman driving the 106? or a young lad or who?

unlucky m8.

29-05-04, 03:20 PM
sorry to hear it mate. i had a prang last week, its so annoying just when you want your car to be at its best eh!! ah well good luck anyway.


29-05-04, 03:23 PM
shame it wernt the front bumper?! you could have scooped it up!

29-05-04, 03:38 PM
nasty mate,what is going on at the mo,eveyone seams to be having something go wrong of late,i mean my car got scratched by some dam littel girl on her bike the othere day,i know it's not the same and all but you get what im saying it all seams to want to happen now just before pv..


29-05-04, 04:33 PM
Insurance WILL mess u around, and WILL take ages! Took my last accident 6 months before they said yes to the repairs.

Best way is to go through a SOLICITOR if you've got a friend of the family or something, that way he/she can push it to get done quciker.

29-05-04, 05:03 PM
if you go through insurance expected to messed around loads.

i hear ya, a month after the accident, and im still no were near getting ny car back on the road!

although ive put more tax on it as it runs out monday, and ive informed the salvage company that im keeping my car and they arent having it, but thats about it! so at least im keep ing my car, but whether the fact who pays for the repair is up in the air!

and even if i cancel the claim, im still gonna lose my ncb, which is a biatch!

30-05-04, 01:47 PM
was it a woman driving the 106? or a young lad or who?

unlucky m8.

it was a young lad, 19 I think he was. Turns out the policy is in his mums name and he's a second driver. What worries me is as its his mum's policy, she'll most likely have protected no claims bonus so won't care about making a claim - even if it means my car will be written off, costing me 9 months worth of no claims bonus (almost up to five years as well, damnit!) and leaving me unable to get to work 30 miles away! (The saloon is having some work done at the mo!)

shame it wernt the front bumper?! you could have scooped it up!

Git! I was waiting for someone to say something like that!! :lol: :lol:

30-05-04, 10:54 PM
gutted sorry to hear that :cry: