View Full Version : colchesta lory park

18-05-04, 01:56 PM
hi lads and ladys

PLEES ALL COME DOWN THE COLCHESTA LORY PARK ON this friday 21'st i want 2 show the stupid saxo lads that novas rool and that we can b better than them kiddy fidiling suns of bitches pleese come down about 8 0clock ill b ther in a wight nova wit a silly shoping list on the side of it lol i look like slim shady hehe also it would b good 2 meet up wit all of u and trade advice
im off out now lads so c u l8a all hope u all come down

18-05-04, 03:23 PM
do u mean the lorry park off the a12/14(can't rember which one lol) @ the services????

18-05-04, 03:41 PM
will there be an english version of this post available?

18-05-04, 04:04 PM
nmo ther 1 near the instetute and jjb and block busta at the botem of bolken hill

18-05-04, 04:05 PM

Hello Chaps,

Im organising a small knees up at the Colchester Lorry Park on the 21st of this very month. I want to show those Saxo owning rascals what really is top brass of the hot hatch world, what, what. The evening will start around 8 o'clock with a small cheese and wine party. I will be the gentleman who looks like a chav and I will possibly be wearing a burberry suit. I also like to give hand shandys. It would be good if we could meet up so I can eye up your car to see if there is anything worth pilfering.
Im off now chaps to tar my handlebar moustache. Tally Ho arf arf.

18-05-04, 04:18 PM
lol well translated did you use alta vistas babblefish???

18-05-04, 05:52 PM
Im down there every night and there's only one saxo that go's down there

Please don't waste your money on petrol just to see aload of idiot's sit in a car park :lol: :roll:

18-05-04, 08:17 PM

Hello Chaps,

Im organising a small knees up at the Colchester Lorry Park on the 21st of this very month. I want to show those Saxo owning rascals what really is top brass of the hot hatch world, what, what. The evening will start around 8 o'clock with a small cheese and wine party. I will be the gentleman who looks like a chav and I will possibly be wearing a burberry suit. I also like to give hand shandys. It would be good if we could meet up so I can eye up your car to see if there is anything worth pilfering.
Im off now chaps to tar my handlebar moustache. Tally Ho arf arf.

pmsl :lol: :lol:


18-05-04, 08:20 PM
PMSL @ Alex haha brilliant translation.