View Full Version : Neil has yet another ACCIDENT!

14-05-04, 06:11 PM
as you might of guessed im neil with new name, anyway, managed to have another accident, not my fault, prob wrote off the front of my car, both head lights smashed, wings kinked, bent, front bumper tottaled, and front end pushed back. engine is fine tho.
So no doubt insurance company will write it off.

Was in a retail park and going along the mainish road that takes you in and out of the park and this woman comes about 30mph from a side road and doesn't look left or right or slow down, i smashed straight into the side of her with full force.
2 meter skid marks by me, nothing by her, going back in a min to take photos for evedence.
Got a family car of witnesses too that saw her not look stop or slow down.

I've injured my back neck and bad head ache, sleepy too.
and my mate has really hurt his neck.
Going to walk-in hospital tomorrow to get checked out.
So car is off road forever probably.

4th accident, this is the end of my car, i will be breaking/scrapping it for re-shell.


14-05-04, 06:20 PM
ffs! thats a bastard!


Just been chatting to him on MSN and hes complaining of stick neck and sleepyness


Get to hospital - you dunno what youve done to yer brain/spleen etc...

Hope yer okay m8!

14-05-04, 06:22 PM
sorry to hear that mate

14-05-04, 06:30 PM
i cant believe you aint got rid of the car magnet yet neil.

hope your alright

14-05-04, 07:11 PM
gawd, can't believe its happened again!

You really are accident prone.

Sorry about the car, but my fingers are crossed for you.

14-05-04, 07:14 PM
ver very unlucky mate, sorry to here it.

if you have a head ache,hurt neck and feel really sleepy then get down to the hospital now.

anyway hope your not too badly hurt: nam

14-05-04, 07:18 PM
Damn neil, not again!! I hope your not hurt too badly!

You still have that tidy Silver GSI shell dont ya? Shell it all into that!!


14-05-04, 07:33 PM
:o Sorry to here that mate,think you should allso go get your self looked at,you could be hurt,but not visably..

shame i liked your car mate,well you must still have another nova :D


14-05-04, 07:51 PM
sell the car whole when its fixed

just hope the buyer doesnt HPI check it.......


p.s. thought u had left NL

14-05-04, 08:11 PM
sell the car whole when its fixed

just hope the buyer doesnt HPI check it.......


p.s. thought u had left NL

14-05-04, 08:23 PM
sTrike 3 your outta there.

third times a charm.

bin the shell. buy another for pennies and transfer your stuff over.

14-05-04, 08:41 PM
sTrike 3 your outta there.

third times a charm.

bin the shell. buy another for pennies and transfer your stuff over except the wheels.

fixed ;)

14-05-04, 08:43 PM
yeah did leave, back now and again.

The thing that annoys me is that she didnt look left or right coming up to a giveway junction, nor did she slow down, going about 20-25mph, she melted my number plate with the friction as i hit her bang on the side then she carried on. also made a right mess of my bumper.

It sounded so loud, and hurt.

not going to get it fixed, going to take the market value and buy it back.

as you say on hpi it will be logged and this many knocks will of f**ed up the shell compelely.
Just got MOT done today as it ran out yesterday, and the day i get MOT a woman hits my car!

Best thing to do is get another nova, and just trasfer EVERYTHING over.
Even if i did get this fixed its still has had other knocks, where if i find another nova i could change the suspension, engine, zorst, (wheels will be sold), interior, digi dash ect...

Going to hospital 2morow morning at 7am as i dont fancy 3 hour wait tonight.

Alot of money down the drain, all due to stupid women who cant drive!


14-05-04, 08:51 PM
sorry to hear that mate

14-05-04, 09:48 PM
You should have gone to hospital straight away. An ambulance should have been called and it should have taken you to hospital to get checked over. The fact that you've left it over 24hours before you go to the hospital could jeoparise your claim (if you decide to make one for the injuries).


14-05-04, 09:53 PM
You should have gone to hospital straight away. An ambulance should have been called and it should have taken you to hospital to get checked over. The fact that you've left it over 24hours before you go to the hospital could jeoparise your claim (if you decide to make one for the injuries).


yes very true if not within 24 hrs whiplash claims can be rejected etc

14-05-04, 09:54 PM
You should have gone to hospital straight away. An ambulance should have been called and it should have taken you to hospital to get checked over. The fact that you've left it over 24hours before you go to the hospital could jeoparise your claim (if you decide to make one for the injuries).


absolute bollocks

14-05-04, 09:56 PM
no ian thats true a friend got only half of his claim due to this because if it was bad enough you should attend hospital straight away

14-05-04, 10:05 PM
when i had my accident last year, i never went hospital that same day (happened at 9.30am). i went day after during the day when i couldnt move...

didnt affect my claim :?

14-05-04, 10:31 PM
i went 2 weeks later regarding back pains and still got hefty compensation.
Im going to hospital 2morow at 7am.

14-05-04, 10:37 PM
lol, ok, should have put more emphasis on the word "could", lol.

Just that each time ive been to hospital after leaving an injury for a couple of days they usually say "you should have come in straight away"


14-05-04, 10:43 PM
sorry to hear that mate!
hope ur ok, and get ur nova sorted soon

14-05-04, 10:50 PM
sorry to hear that mate!
hope ur ok, and get ur nova sorted soon

lol, ya wally, he already said he didnt want it sorted :P

14-05-04, 11:00 PM
and u cant even say this 1 was done in style on a race track either!!! ah well, as long as ur fine!! ill get the pics (on cd) and vid 2 u asap mate.

15-05-04, 08:20 AM
no ian thats true a friend got only half of his claim due to this because if it was bad enough you should attend hospital straight away

a friend yeah? lol

i personally got a huge payout and didnt go straight away, i also work in a claims department where no such bollocks happens

15-05-04, 09:46 AM
Just to point its a different Neil (KeithBen) Not me.... Im glad to say!

15-05-04, 11:00 AM
gutted mate sorry u ok now?

15-05-04, 01:27 PM
well head ache is still there, but my right leg i braked with hurts alot.
ANd to top it all off my K&N came this morning, what a pee take!

15-05-04, 01:30 PM
well head ache is still there, but my right leg i braked with hurts alot.
ANd to top it all off my K&N came this morning, what a pee take!

have u not been to the hospital yet?

15-05-04, 02:53 PM
going this afternoon when dad gets back, dont fancy getting the bus there.

15-05-04, 02:55 PM
you should get it seen to mate

15-05-04, 02:57 PM
yeah dads home now so will be going now, ta DP u caring teddy bear!
Me legs hurts now, owch!

15-05-04, 02:58 PM
im not gonna massage it though :?

15-05-04, 07:31 PM
ffs neil thats bad are you ok then

hope eveythin works out ok


16-05-04, 12:03 AM
hospital couldnt do anything, just take pain killers, head ache still hurts, neck is numb, and legs it really hurting now! Spent 5 hours waiting in A&E, was to major for just a call in at hospital.

Picked up new headlights today, crudely screwed bumper back on and its ok, drives fine, goiung to get few bits 2morow to try and sort it, get a quote for damage aswell from body shop.

As ive just got 12 months MOT on it 4hours before accident im wondering weather to keep it for bit longer...

Stressing me out endless!

16-05-04, 12:13 PM
get rid, you'd be stupid to keep it......