View Full Version : Digi Dash Warning

04-07-01, 12:11 PM
I dont know if any of you has come across this before, yesterday i had to take out my digi dash to rewire the transducer.(rusted up a bit near the box) On putting it back i saw a little smoke from behind it F**K me i thought and ripped it back out only to find the blue backing with the copper tracks running round it had lost a tiny piece of the insulator which caused it to earth out now i know most off you if not all will not have their dash fastened down so to be safe check it and add extra insulation on these tracks my dash is ok but i reacted in time if i was driving it might have been different

i added extra insulation by putting some tape across the back so please get em checked

07-07-01, 12:03 AM
your better off with the white dial kits anyway guv. in my opinion they look the mutz anyway and the digital dashes are too fuc*in dodgy!

And God said, "Let there be the GSi"

07-07-01, 01:15 AM
:O I love my digi dash...miles better than the old SR clocks...at least I can see it at night :)

07-07-01, 01:54 AM
mamma mia mamma mia let me go bielzibub had a .........................u know the rest!