View Full Version : spoze i better announce my new car

10-05-04, 12:38 PM
well iv had it for about 2 weeks now. as my last car got written off i went looked for a cheap runabout. i was looking at all sorts of rotting sheds - micras, fords ,pugz the lot. i was almost about to hand over the money for a heap of shyt when my mum found a minted nova!!!!! i was like SORTED! things is - its only a pissy little 1ltr and its faded red. but its petty much rust free and its olny done 41k from a woman.

sooooo it all begins again :arrow:

im now thinkin of the colour i want this car to be. options are:

dark metalic grey
or white the same as my last one.

im spraying it my self again.....so its gunna be extremly hard to spry black or grey .....but im gunna give it a stab anyway.

i think ill have to put up with the 1ltr for a while but ill move on to a 1.3sr as soon as funds let me.

prayers have been said for the old one its time to move on :roll:


10-05-04, 01:14 PM
lol @ 1lt, but its a nova, so we'll let u off

IMO black would be nice, but if you prefered the white, then spray it that.

welcome back to the nova scene :wink:

10-05-04, 09:50 PM
nice one wiggie!, sure it will look as sweet as ur old one did.
good luck mate :D

11-05-04, 05:36 PM
well that anouncement went down like a lead balloon :roll:

cheers u 2

11-05-04, 08:25 PM
:lol: not many people bother with the "new car" posts.

you got any pics btw? :wink:

11-05-04, 09:37 PM
nice 1
if ur gunna spray id spray it matalic grey or starmist black my fave colours on a nova

11-05-04, 11:22 PM
nice one wigz

come on get some pics up lets see what shes like :D

12-05-04, 12:47 PM
Yeah, pic plz.
And I'd go for white. But I'm biased coz mine's white! :D

12-05-04, 12:53 PM
Very dark metallic grey

13-05-04, 07:24 PM
this is one of weirdest novas ive seen but it is mint.