View Full Version : Stupid Posts

04-07-01, 09:42 AM
I've noticed recently the large amount of stupid posts that have been knocking about. I was reading the skatboard post this morning and thought "what the fcuk! This is a stupid post and It looks like it has been started to wind people up". One question, Why? Theres also loads of bitching going on and it puts me off coming on the site. I don't think I'm the only one that has noticed this either.

It's not just the skateboard posts, but theres other posts aswell, like the great North/South divide. Picking on individual peeps (naming no names) and generally winding each other up becasue you're bored at work or home.

I don't know about anyone eles, but when it gets out of hand it puts me off coming on the site big time. If people are being put of the site, Kev is the only one thats going to feel the effects. He's put alot of time and no doubt money into this site and all people seem to be doing lately is slagging each other off rather than helping each other out like it was first set out to do.

Come on guys, I thought this Web-site had a realy good friendly atmosphere until recently. I want to keep coming back to this site, but It takes alot to convince me these days. I've met loads of quality people from this site and I want to remain in contact with you all and carry on meeting up.

I know some of you will probably reply, that the posts were a joke, but sometimes it gets out of hand. You can't express a sense of humour over the internet, becasue people can't see you're facial expressions. Alot of the time, posts that are meant to come out as funny appear more sarcastic, which is when the arguments start. It's a fine line, I should know, I've put my foot in it more than once.

I don't want to start anything here, I just wanted to get stuff of my chest.


"Beware of the voices"

04-07-01, 09:51 AM
I agree with Slim that some of the posts are just getting annoying now, but then again they do make days at work less boring!!!

The site is still good for advice on how to do stuff, but there does seem to be an increasing amount of p155 taking going on and like Slim says, it is hard to tell when someone is joking or being serious.

I don't think it will stop me coming on here though, what else would I do at work???????

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

04-07-01, 09:51 AM
I agree, its that Mr Storey, have a look in the stakeboard post, he admits he done it to get me to attack the little bligters.

Ok, i apologise, i do get bored, and i do take the piss a bit, but it is a joke, this is the general chat, all the techie stuff is in other forums, where there is a lot of help going on, thasnks to the like of MC(cheers, i owe u 2 pints!).

So this forum was made for general chat, i know its not right to take the piss, but it can be a larf sometimes.

I will now stop with the silly posts & winding up the likes of Ged, sorry Ged.

(scooters still blow)

Sorry, had to say it one last time.


04-07-01, 10:20 AM
I do agree with what you say Jim, however I must agree with part of Mark_D's post. I agree that the slagging and bitching is very funny, however it can get boring sometimes, but it is a general chat forum and should be there to keep us entertained and make us laugh and give us something to do while at work ! The other forums generally don't attract much of this joking/bitching nonsense and thats the way it should stay. I say keep the pathetic posts in General Chat and its fine, and keep the other forums for serious stuff.

oh yeah and I blame Ian, just coz he's from up north ! (sory just had to)

" I think he's trying to watch some illegal channels"
"No thats just the nature show"
"Oh yeah, Spank My Hairy Ass!!"
"Whats that?"
"Ride me, Ride me like a pony !"

04-07-01, 10:21 AM
im trying to be more conservative to be honest, when i post non abusive messages, i get abused and when i post abusive messages i get abused. i cant seem to win :(

But my last couple of messages recieved highest amount of replies, and they were not abusive (by me) in anyway untilothers put there penny's worth in.

I think its all about pride, if somebody diss's you then the natural response is to lash out, so provokation is the cause of many nasty posts. i have provoked many, and im sorry.



B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)

04-07-01, 10:34 AM
lol @ Mark

to be brutally honest, i think it's Ian who causes most trouble on the boards..and he's a kind of 'moderator' as well!

everyone need's to chill the fudge out...people keep ripping the shit out of each other...and sooner or later sum one's gonna take summit totally the wrong way and there's gonna be fisty cuffs at the next cruise...i'm suprised nothing like that's happened before now...


04-07-01, 10:36 AM
BTW,,,that last post wasn't directed at anyone...just a general comment on the way things will go if there's loads of bitterness kicking about

04-07-01, 10:36 AM
Well if u want some Ged, bring it on, you and your fookin scooter!


Oops, done it again, damn, sorry.

04-07-01, 10:37 AM
u replied too quickly...

i knew sum 1 was gonna get bitter

04-07-01, 11:07 AM
Do what I do, when you see a crap post just don't look at it again. Problem sorted.

Ease Yourself Back Into Conciousness !!!!!

04-07-01, 11:10 AM
Some of you really have no sense of humour, the skate post was a complete joke cos i know kev likes skateboarding, it was a follow on from the scooter one which again was a comedy one relating to mingle, dickos, stes, kaylls and my fun at festival park.

This is the general forum, and it is supposed to be light hearted and fun and everyone knows that(well i thought they did)

ged you obviously dont like me and made it very clear in prev posts, because of the argument over being uninsured and posting porn and stealing pics to use on your site, thats fine thats upto you and i wont lose any sleep over it, but dont start criticising when you have caused a hell of a lot of trouble on here.

04-07-01, 11:44 AM
im pissing myself here, watching ian on the back foot lmao!

B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)

04-07-01, 11:45 AM
I wouldn't go as far as saying 'i dont like u'...i think it's a clash of personalities. Sumtimes when u reply they are a bit harsh, when sumtimes it's not called for...

the incident with the arguement over me being uninsured...well it was summit i could not help..and absolute emergency (my mate was getting his head kicked in at a pub across town...i needed to get there ASAP...my scooter was the only option) u replied calling me a di*k for driving uninsured...when i wasn't trying to break the law...it was an incident that could not be helped...i wasn't going to hang around and catch the bus...and leave my mate bleeding on the floor of sum ruff pub across town...

the posting of that piccy of the black guy thingie was wrong..i'll hold me hands up to that...

the stealing pics thingie...I didn't steal them! and they DEFINATELY didn't go on my Roy Bacer site...sum nob at my work (who is no longer here due to moving abroad with his missus) had access to all usernames and passwords and uploaded the 2 pics...beyond my control

i don't want to fall out with people...i know i've caused sum trouble in the past (by slating them people's cars etc) but i'll chill out now...

apologies to anyone i've offended in the past, and to anyone who i've bored by making u read this...


04-07-01, 11:47 AM
:P thats all i can say

>:) D.E.V.I.L. >:)

04-07-01, 12:10 PM
i wasnt bringing up or accusing you ged, just mentioning the incidents regardless of whose fault.

04-07-01, 12:51 PM
Mairy Fuff

04-07-01, 01:32 PM
I thought the recent posts were funny, although perhaps sometimes it can go a bit far as its difficult to gauge what peeps true reaction is to a comment made about them. However the fact that they get so many replies proves that there is fair bit of interest. A lot of it seems to be banter when a few of the peeps who are on at work get bored - myself included - so a lot of other members who come on at other times need not be involved at all if they don't like it.
I honestly can't see that what happens on here is any diff. to what happens when a group of blokes get together - its life.
I wouldn't set out to be rude or unpleasant to anyone here but I remain unrepentant I'm afraid, as there is loads more on the site going on and this event has just been a small part of it all.

There... talkin of small parts, I need a piss.:D

04-07-01, 02:47 PM
I dunno

These old gits who just babble on about anything. Surprised there wasn't a "i remember when all this were fields" in there :-)


B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!B-)


04-07-01, 03:55 PM
lol @ fenix

Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)

04-07-01, 06:22 PM
i luv this site soo much

Micky@novaload.net :)