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View Full Version : chrome door latches / bolts

06-05-04, 11:22 PM
where can i get em?


06-05-04, 11:35 PM
Take yours off and get them chromed - I don't know anywhere that sells them !!!

06-05-04, 11:40 PM
Take yours off and get them chromed - I don't know anywhere that sells them !!!

:lol: i dont fancy stripping them and cant figure out how they come apart - i know a sole trader sells them at the shows, just as a hobby or sideline i assume, didnt know if anyone had dealt with such before.

spose ill have to get some sapre catches and just get violent with em :twisted:

06-05-04, 11:48 PM
No need to strip the latches - the company the did Bretts just degreased them in a bath of degreaser and then chromed the complete latch - no problems with them sticking etc - just sprayed them with lube and put them on !!

06-05-04, 11:51 PM
No need to strip the latches - the company the did Bretts just degreased them in a bath of degreaser and then chromed the complete latch - no problems with them sticking etc - just sprayed them with lube and put them on !!


what about the plastic / nylon bits inside?

i understand chroming is a form of electroplating or whathaveyou - did it at college back in the day

if its that easy........... :twisted: :D

07-05-04, 12:02 AM
went to scrappy previously - and removed every nut and bolt from engine bay and bracket etc to such a degree the car was falling to pieces in front of me :lol:

methinks its time to go again and get the bits and pieces i missed last time round :lol:

dont ever get the engine dress up / body dress up chroming bug.

:o :lol: