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View Full Version : 2x 6x9's on back shelf, headunit output resistance....?

05-05-04, 03:10 PM
im not having a sub in my car, due to the extra weight...

i already have 6x9's on my backshelf, i have anohter pair i want to install aswell.

fitting them isnt the problem, its running them.

i know that most headunit outputs are 4ohm, but like home steroe equipment is there a range, ie 4-8ohm
because i am either gonna run the 6x9's in parallel (2ohm) or in series (giving 8 ohm total.

i have a kenwood minidisc head unit. i dont think 2 ohm will work, but would 8ohm work on it?



05-05-04, 06:31 PM
there is absoloutely no point to this at all. HU's cant do 2ohm loads so u cant do parallel and if u wired em up in series to 8ohms then the power output of the HU will drop in half so it wont be any louder. u will get a much clearer sound with just the one pair with more power..

the weakest link here is ur HU which is only doing around 17wrms...

if u want more bass get a 4channel amp then u can run the fronts louder as well..

also, think about maybe junking the 6x9s and buying some 8" free air subs, hell even 6" free air subs will sound better. 6x9s are terrible quality, made for mass market with cheap parts.. but again subs runing off the HU wont satisfy your craving. key here is more power = Amp.

hope this helps?


05-05-04, 06:37 PM
Wiring up in series shares the power output, so both sets would have the same power input.
Parallel splits the power into two halfs so the output would be less, i think.

05-05-04, 06:37 PM
thanks, i was hoping for a different answer, but i knew this wud ultimatley be the only one. i dont wana spend any money and have a pair of 6x9's laying around and just wanted to utilise them maybe i will make sum where for them to go in the front of my car.



05-05-04, 06:38 PM
series increases the resistance, parallel lowers resistance..

high resistance = lower output.
low resistance = higher output (only if your amp can handle it tho)


05-05-04, 10:54 PM
Yeah thats what i was attempting to write, if in series you add the resistances, and vice versa.

06-05-04, 10:03 AM
if ur that intent on having two sets of 6x9's :roll:
run one set off the rear outputs on the hu and the other set off the front outputs of the hu

06-05-04, 03:33 PM
if ur that intent on having two sets of 6x9's :roll:
run one set off the rear outputs on the hu and the other set off the front outputs of the hu

im not but aint spending money on my cars sound, only on performance.. if i had cash i'd have rf subs!!! :-)

i wana keep using my front speakers as they are decent so was just gonna run both 6x9s from my hu rear output.

cheers anyways!!

07-05-04, 11:27 PM
If you absolutely cannot justify a sub or an amplifier, then you will be better off - from a staging point of view - doing the following.

Go to your local Low Pass filters with a crossover of around 150Hz.

Fit these capacitors between the output of the headunit and the oval speakers.

What this will do is effectively filter out high frequencies from these speakers, allowing them to play only those frequencies below 150Hz.

That will give you some bass in the car without dragging your sound stage right back, and will ensure that the higher frequencies come from the front speakers alone.

It may seem like an odd thing to do, however it does work.