View Full Version : Bad weekend!!

03-05-04, 08:26 PM
Ok :cry: I went out clubbing lastnite and because I live so far from the town I was staying at a friends and left my car outside his house *My so called best friend that ive been mates with for years we grew up togegher any way I left my keys at his house I met some girl at the club and went back to hers instead of my mates :roll: get a phone call at 4:15 this morning and it was my best mate telling me he'd smashed my car up obviously you would'nt take it seriously as it was me best mate turn up at his house today and wallah my car in a horrible state his neighber came out and asked if it was my car he'd gone into the back of his neighbers parked car he was pissed out of his head For the first time in a long time i balled my eye's out just could'nt beleive it what sort of mate doe's that to you :?: :!: He's offered to pay for the damage but I don't think it will be the same now :cry: sorry to go on just thought i'd let you all know :cry: :cry:

For the time being my mum went out and bought a Volvo 740 Turbo 2.3 auto :?

For those who have'nt seen my car here it is http://www.novaload.net/features/viewfeature.php?ref=1531

03-05-04, 08:34 PM
your mate did that to you.

i would fucking leather him!!!!!!!!!!!

your car looks really nice too. bastard!!!!

on a positive side. did you get some?
and was she good!

03-05-04, 09:05 PM
She was'nt worth it I keep thinkin if I just told her to f**k off i'd still have my car 8) :lol:

03-05-04, 09:07 PM
so you didn't get your oats!

03-05-04, 09:08 PM
He was pissed and went into a neighbours car?

If the cops get involved you might have to prosecute him for theft unless you consented to him driving it which implicates you with having no insurance? I think this is right

Total downer m8

03-05-04, 09:08 PM
Bad luck mate...what a tw*tish thing for your mate to do...has he got a car? :lol:
Nahhh thats sh*t though....what are you going to do about it?
Have you got pics of the damage?

03-05-04, 09:10 PM
bad luck mate sorry to hear it :(

03-05-04, 09:20 PM
that is shit mate!! sorry to hear it.

i would batter your mate though what a fanny!! :lol: :lol:

03-05-04, 09:33 PM
Gutted for you..

If my mate done that to me, i'd leather um..

03-05-04, 09:45 PM
yeah fester is right...my mate in work just got banned coz his mate drove his car when he was p*ssed...its the owner of the car's responsibilty.
what a b*stard.
I never leave my keys anywhere...there are always on me (well you know what I mean, not when I'm in the bath and stuff, lol)

Hope it works out well mate, after all u were only trying to get your hole


03-05-04, 10:14 PM
sh*t stu gutted for ya m8 :?

03-05-04, 10:16 PM
thats well bad mate am sorry 4 u

03-05-04, 10:31 PM
:o woah

thats just well......


i feel for you :(

03-05-04, 10:51 PM
gutted, is it a write off or fixable?

as above, i allways have my keys on me. even if i'm going out and will be nowhere near the car i'll take them with me. stops people stealing them from your house (or your mates nicking them and crashing your car lol)

03-05-04, 10:53 PM
:o s**t stu soz to hear that!!!!!
ur sr woz a minter!!!!
wot a b******d

04-05-04, 12:25 AM
when you next go out with your mate.

plain and simple.......chin him!

stick him on his back and blame some rubbish.
he will be to pissed to know why you did it, plus you will feel great! :D

04-05-04, 12:39 PM
S#!T !!
With mates like that, who needs enemies??

Hope you get it sorted out. (and hope you get your mate sorted out too)

04-05-04, 12:51 PM
S#!T !!
With mates like that, who needs enemies??

Hope you get it sorted out. (and hope you get your mate sorted out too)

04-05-04, 12:51 PM
Cheers guys

My mate reackons he's paying for it to get done Im just goin to say when i can get hold of him I want it back just as I left it :!:
It may sound sad but I don't won't to get pics because I don't want to see it til it's all done but if xibit would like to take some pics for me then that would be appreiciated .

Damage wise the lower suspension arm is bent as fcuk,Wing! well :roll: bonnet is not to bad but needs replacing bumper is is a bit mashed up :!: gear box has gone two front tyres are worn all the way down to the metal mesh stuff where he was doin burnouts in his street!!!!!!!!!oh and the drive shaft have'nt found it yet :!:

My mates bro-inlaw reackons the gearbox has nothin to do with him :evil: it was fine wen I left it You put it in gear lift the clutch and there nothing there but the speed go's up any ideas what the problem could be there :?:


04-05-04, 01:13 PM
Stu, you got to get the car back on the road, there is hardly any 1.3srs left, and yours was an absolute minter of one.
How much is it to get the damaged fixed :?:

04-05-04, 01:35 PM
What a To55er, he was doing burnouts in it too :o i wouldn't call him a mate, sounds like he has completely fucked your car, id make him buy the car off you for a high price and go find another one

04-05-04, 02:06 PM
Im not sure of a price to get it repaired I agreed to let his bro-inlaw do it but why should I :!: Im goin to get the spraying and all that done at my mates dads body shop AK body repair and luckily ive got a gear box so he can just pay for it to get recon and new clutch and fitted as for the suspension arm I want all genuin vauxhall parts fitted at a garage of my choice he can lump it or like it I think im being pretty fair not to take him to court or call the police and as for his neighbers car just needs a bumper Another good thing about haveing lowered my car :lol:
I would like him to buy my car and find another one but I love this car and probably won't find one as mint :cry:

Is this bein fair :?: I would love to give him a slap for it im not goin to forgive him for it I just want to get it done' peacfully.


04-05-04, 02:18 PM
Im not sure of a price to get it repaired I agreed to let his bro-inlaw do it but why should I :!: Im goin to get the spraying and all that done at my mates dads body shop AK body repair and luckily ive got a gear box so he can just pay for it to get recon and new clutch and fitted as for the suspension arm I want all genuin vauxhall parts fitted at a garage of my choice he can lump it or like it I think im being pretty fair not to take him to court or call the police and as for his neighbers car just needs a bumper Another good thing about haveing lowered my car :lol:
I would like him to buy my car and find another one but I love this car and probably won't find one as mint :cry:

Is this bein fair :?: I would love to give him a slap for it im not goin to forgive him for it I just want to get it done' peacfully.


You might as well get GM parts, he said he would pay,
so make him pay!

04-05-04, 02:22 PM
He will pay alot of money !

Doe's anyone know what the problem could be with the gear box I put the clutch pedal in selct first gear go to drive but it don't go anywhere but the spead go'e up :?: Also wen we towed it the was a horrible vibration though the car constantly

04-05-04, 03:15 PM
cud b ur driveshafts or the diff in the gear box stu, if the diff has been blown to pieces then u wont get ne drive at the wheels but the engine will still rev, or he cud of burnt out ur clutch! :evil:

hope u get it sorted soon mate!!!
p.s. them volvos r built like a brick $hit house lol

04-05-04, 04:04 PM
oh dear stu who was drivin gav?? scott? rob? or dean?

04-05-04, 05:48 PM
Nah bob it was'nt gav or dean or rob there proper mates and I know they would'nt do that to me it was my best mate who lives just round the corner from you.Im gutted mate balled my eye's out just totally gutted :(

And the volvo :!: Fast as fcuk :o hopefully won't be long until I get the nova back,Bobby would you be able to meet me saturday to get some pics :?: Ive got a bonnet and a wing just got to wait for a fone call with a price and when they can do it

04-05-04, 06:56 PM
Sorry to hear that mate, what a shitter

04-05-04, 07:05 PM
sorry to hear about that fella!!

dont worry about not being fair ... he should be lucky he is getting of so lightly!!

04-05-04, 07:33 PM
like other people have said, if he is a mate he wouldn't have done this. If he hadn't crashed, would he even have told you about doing burnouts in the street or knackering your gearbox?? I doubt it. call the police and get him fucked over! he will be ordered to pay costs of repair, compensation etc.

04-05-04, 08:12 PM
Sorry to here this m8. i no someone that did it to there own mum.but he left the car in a country lain and told his mum it got nicked. but after they found out, sounds just like the clutch is completey gone. Hope it all goes kool

05-05-04, 12:23 AM
shit stu sorry to here about the car mate,tought it looked nice,hope you can fix it or find a nice one to replace her with mate.


05-05-04, 07:56 AM
you say the driveshaft is missing, well thats why you go nowhere when gear is selected, but the speedo works.

the torque finds the path of least resistance, ie through the output with no shaft in it. replace the shaft and it should be ok.

ps take him to court. I would, even if it was a relative id do it

05-05-04, 08:01 AM
that is really bad m8 :cry: , hope you get your SR back to how it was, it was a minter. Don't see many SR's like that anymore (most have stuck on body kits :lol: ) and you shoulda punched ya so called m8 :roll:
p.s shop the fukcer too

05-05-04, 11:18 AM
Cambridge-It drove for about two miles then this happened to the gears :?:

Will there be any problems with the car i.e steering rack and other parts that are connected to the wheel :?: when it did drive there was a contstant vibration though the front of the car.

Ive got a silver bonnet and black wing to go on until the bloke at the body shop I want to take it to can do it so it will look like a rite state for a few weeks :evil: Pics on the way at the weekend guys :|


05-05-04, 12:47 PM
could be clutch then but as Cambridge said likely to be the drive-shaft and the f*cked suspension arm doesn't help either mate

hope it all works out...

05-05-04, 07:03 PM
Let you know the verdict saturday hopefully nothing major :evil:

05-05-04, 10:08 PM
get it fixed then have him beaten senseless..


if impact was severre enought to damage lower arm, driveshaft and the like and he has also done burnouts long enough and hard enough to weat tyres to metal then its it more than likely he killed box too

sorry to hear about it lad, chin up


06-05-04, 01:30 AM
Does your m8 have a car??? need i say any more?...........

I could just about understand driving it to the shop or something but doing burn outs till the tyres ware out, no wonder the gearbox couldn't cope :(
Hope you get it sorted. :)
