View Full Version : Motivation

03-05-04, 09:26 AM
I look into my garage and see a pile of bits and a car in pieces... i used to see potential but now i just need some motivation to get the wings bonnet and bumper shaped... has anyone got pics of cars with headlamp conversions that look GOOD

cheers boys and girls

03-05-04, 11:29 AM
get your finger out you lazy git!

hope that motivates you


03-05-04, 11:36 AM
get your finger out you lazy git!

hope that motivates you


:lol: :lol:

i was like that but once i got started i cant stop
you see the car evolving and it help so much
just keep goin at it and youll get there

03-05-04, 11:43 AM
i find money rather then motivation stops me.

03-05-04, 12:06 PM
know wot u mean.

I seem to have lost my motivation on my car at evry possible stage.

Just have a break then get on with it. I found if I work on it constantly then I loose interest and cant be arsed.

U've got to finish it. Will look wicked once done! :D

03-05-04, 10:58 PM
personally... i say dont do the golf.

A) im not a big big fan of it.
B) its been done before....

have a look round, youll be sure to find something suitable

04-05-04, 05:49 PM
I've already started doin the new Astra headlamps.. they look wicked but its a load of fcukin about to get them to fit and i'm starting to get pissed off... plus i keep thinkin

"once i've done the front... the rear lights need doin and thats just as time consuming"

04-05-04, 06:52 PM
Will be good once its done mate, im sure it will pick up once you really start seeing it come together

04-05-04, 06:57 PM
i find money rather then motivation stops me.


im full of motivation and cannot wait to get started buts its the lack of money that is stopping me at the moment!!

just think of how it will look when its finnished mate :d should be all the motivation you need :D

plus the good weather we are going to have this summer :D

04-05-04, 06:59 PM
Defo know how you feel... my Novas been off the road since 29th July last year.. over 9 months ago! :o eek has it really been that long :?

04-05-04, 09:18 PM
Just set small targets, easier to meet so you are kept happy. Ive been doing mine for 15 months and now its about 3/4 weeks off being on the road. Set the traget for the bank holiday weekend to get engine in, this weeks target to get the injection stuff ready and the weekend to start it up. More satisfaction that way as your always progressing.

04-05-04, 09:23 PM
yeah thats what i do
set my targets and go for it
you seem to see the car getting closer and closer to being finsihed that way