View Full Version : Give me ONE GOOD REASON...

28-04-04, 12:18 AM
Hullo peeps

I need some inspriation my friends. Since moving house last October, my Novas been sorned off the road ready for a mega rebuild - new customer body kit, one off dash, new engine etc etc etc, but apart from a coupld of sketched drawings of how I want it too look (below) I aint done feck all.




Shes so dusty (Shes in the garage all dry but bear to the dusty mess of a garage :cry: ) and the interiors full of carpet off cuts and bits of wood and a purple nova hatch! I actually wrote my name on the bonnet the other day! :|


Help me decide what to do guys. Use the voting buttons above and post any encouragement.

I miss her - my current car (Ibiza 1.4s) is nice but no fun!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

and there a bunch of neds round me driving Corsas with their feckin air boxes removed and bean can exhausts - all 1.2's!


28-04-04, 12:29 AM
gonna add bigger wheels too

28-04-04, 12:57 AM
dunno mate. whatever you think is best

but i must add. if you have done those sketches ya'self they are awesome mate1!!

28-04-04, 12:58 AM
why thank you!


28-04-04, 12:59 AM
nice too see ya back ade......
i voted get ya finger out! it will be worth it once its all finished, from the sketches, the car looks absolutely awsome!

28-04-04, 01:07 AM
ur sketches look awesome fella go ahead wiv that will look the bollox once done!!!

28-04-04, 07:51 AM
the sketches look good i would say, get on with it mate!! have you decided on the colour?

28-04-04, 08:02 AM
I voted pull your finger out cos your car will look awsome once finished

28-04-04, 08:25 AM
Ade, being in a similar situation to yourself (pratically married and living with her) I know how tricky it can be to do what you want and not fall out with the wife.

I voted to get the garden sorted. This is because the weather should be getting better, so you can enjoy the sunshine. Also, once the gardens done, you will have built up some Kudos points from the wife which you can exchange for some quality time with the car.

I'm assuming you can do a fair bit of work on the car in the garage, so after the garden is done and the weather starts to turn again, you can be inside the dry garage getting on with the car rather than being outside in the rain trying to get the garden done.

Also, I'm assuming the car won't be coming out to play until some time next year. Maybe aim for a PV2005 launch? Even if you don't start until the end of the summer, this should give you plenty of time to get on with the work.

It's up to you at the end of the day :)

Good luck


28-04-04, 09:17 AM
i agree with jim on this one.

if the garden is done now, then you will be safe to play in the garage. plus make a deal with the mrs. i sort the garden, you maintain it over the summer.

the drawings are really good.
how are the models coming along these days

28-04-04, 09:26 AM
i agree with jim on this one.

if the garden is done now, then you will be safe to play in the garage. plus make a deal with the mrs. i sort the garden, you maintain it over the summer.

the drawings are really good.
how are the models coming along these days

lol thats a good point and valid too!

28-04-04, 10:22 AM
Jim has a good point, i'd agree. The car looks mint in those pics, so i'd definately go ahead with it - submit them to vauxhall and see if they'll re-release the nova :D

28-04-04, 03:19 PM
sort out the gargen,keep her happy then while she's cutting thegrass and that u can work on the nova!
alltho dont do the V grille bits..

28-04-04, 05:41 PM
I say pull ur bloody finger out of ur arse as that kit, lights etc look amazing. :twisted:

IF not give me the car and I will build it to those pics as I want to see those drawings as a proper car :lol:

28-04-04, 06:34 PM
Well this is a tricky one i would say to sort the garden first as jim say's.
This is the safe bet with the misiss,then get your head down and get that car done,as your sketches look spot on,but i also say no V grill.


28-04-04, 06:58 PM
i think the V grille looks the part, suits it well

28-04-04, 08:39 PM
am lucky r lass does the gardenin so i mess with the car that way were both outside spendin time together

try surgestin that 2 her

28-04-04, 09:38 PM
If you dont do it now, You never will!

Front looks good dont think any1's got one like that.
Ditch the back wiper though, cos the way i see it Your never gonna let ur car get dirty enough so that u cant see out of it! Just like me man. 8)

28-04-04, 09:47 PM
no real hurry to start it now is there because theres no way it would be finished for this years show season.

as said, clock up some brownie points doing the garden then start later in the year

28-04-04, 09:48 PM
personally I don't like the kit you have designed mate...looks too 'stuck on'...but that is just my opinion.

I would please the Mrs as they will NEVER let you forget the time you spent the money on the car when you could have 'done this and that with it'....lol

drawings are good though

All the best


28-04-04, 10:07 PM
I'll go with what Jim said...

Also, i'd get my finger out and make my model nova:P


28-04-04, 10:56 PM
cheers guys!

Yeah - gonna get the garden done 1st - thats gonna suck the life out the old cash reserves big time - but like u say will be worth it.

The sketches are just that - 1st draft sketches - based on the soon to be released OPC Corsa. The V grill will probably go in place of a straight across bar with the badge.

As for the models...Mikes is almost completed - just 2 wheels and a psint job!

They've been a right pain in the anus I can tell you! I've been so busy since Christmas with other stuff (job etc) not had chance to do feck all on them - and every time I go back to it I discover something that needs tweeking and then feck it up! :roll:

Will post some up to date pics as soon as I get the 1st coat of paint done on Mikes...
