View Full Version : Yeahhhh!!!!

22-06-01, 12:51 AM
Well its thursday and i got my corsa finally wahooooo.....

Its a black sport and im well pleased The stearing is a lot harder than the nova But its miles better On the road that my nova....

Been playin all nite in it finding faults so that the garage can fix it..... Just thought id let yall know!!!!!


22-06-01, 09:05 AM
Erm, its friday mate.

Glad to hear u got yourself a nice motah, have fun with it.

22-06-01, 09:53 AM
lol @ mark_d

that says it all, he gets rid of his nova and in the space of a week he has lost all sense of time and reality !!

He'll be wearing skirts next and going to hairdresing classes !!

;)Never be afraid to try anything new, remember amateurs built the ark and professionals built the Titanic !;)

22-06-01, 09:57 AM
erm, i thought he did already?

Or was that a kilt?

hmmmmmm, i fink he has "matured" now he has got a corsa, cos wheres nuttah Rexy? :-/

All we got now is sensible Gaz. :O

hmmmmmm, makes you think, imagine wot would happen if he bought a tigra!

lmao :D

22-06-01, 10:27 AM
Na. He might have bought a Corsa.But he'll still be asking lasses if he can f**k their faces.


B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!B-)


22-06-01, 01:13 PM
nice one gaz how much did it cost ya?

22-06-01, 04:04 PM
YOU FUCKER!!!!!!! THATS MY CAR!!!!! PISS TAKER!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!!! lol glad 2 hear u got rid of the shoebox tho lol.
yours depressed coz rex has nicked my car

"you are feeling sleepy....."


23-06-01, 01:46 AM
Your car my arse.... who siad like well before u i was gna get one?

Pass your test m8 and then u can get a 1.0l or something cas the insurance will be too high to drive anything else


26-06-01, 08:58 AM
lol im jus messin wit ya m8y calm down!!! lmao dont take anythin i say seriously m8 im jus havin a laff, hmmm i say the next challage (please make sure i get sorted with it all when we come back off hols!!) whos gonna get there car in a mag first, u me or wilson, should be a daft laff,

"you are feeling sleepy....."
