View Full Version : Hackers

23-06-01, 07:01 PM
ok boys and girls

sumone from this site has hacked maxpowers emap server

max chat peeps think it was elgan disguised as cambridge

they have no proof ov who it was except a dial up


as camb has said if anybody wants to go hacking then at least do it as a fucking anon name.

things are getting out ov hand and sumone who calls them selves reno on max chat has been fucked over by emaps soliciters

be carefull
be carefull if u goto max live as there has been sumone from max chat visiting this site and asking about weather im taking the green car to max live or not. (this isnt gonna happen as it wrapped it!!!lol)

Micky@novaload.net :)

23-06-01, 07:10 PM
i think it's all pretty funny maybe elgan isnt as bad as i thought


agree about the anonymous angle though - if you're gonna do it, do it in style but dont involve any1 else

B-) Streakers beware: Your end is in sight B-)

23-06-01, 07:19 PM
for a start i have to say i may know a fair bit about the net and firewalls but i dont know how to hack and shit like that.

the dial up they know is a swansea ntl dialup (yes elgan if u used an ntl dial up it would be on a swansea server coz its that area!).

who ever it was is dont know me well enough to have my proper ntlworld email address coz they set it in the identity bit as cambridge@ntlwolrd.com ( i doubt that even works)

So it really looks like who ever did it tried to frame me. now personally i dont care who gets in the shit as long as it aint me coz i did nowt wrong!!! i mean if i was the hacker would i really give em any email address?? i dont think so!

So if you must piss about use a totaly different anon name as micky sed!!
or dont do it at all, i mean its very childish and annoying!

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

23-06-01, 07:22 PM
ntl isnt available in my area u knob

if i had ntl i wudnt be using bt

wot a prick

23-06-01, 07:25 PM
listen, if a message based on this topic appears again with false accusations id have to consider taking this matter further

23-06-01, 07:30 PM
like what elgan?

23-06-01, 07:31 PM
DID i accuse you then?? no i just pointed out that if u used it then it would register as a swansea server. try reading things b4 letting your little feeble mind think of crap relpys!

ne way you can use ntl on bt lines. you have to ask for a disc thats all.

and what further action will you take? hmm

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

23-06-01, 07:49 PM
basically i dont care who did it as long as the person who did either owns up or gets tracked down! I really couldnt give a toss as long as im not in the shit! elgan has put up a fair enough argument to remove the blame from him.

so just to make my point once again i dont care who it was/is as long as i dont get in any shit from piss poor attempts to frame me.

many thanks


BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

23-06-01, 07:51 PM
wots the point of discussing it ne more, i aint done nothing, u can keep on accusing me but it wont change anything

fact of the matter is that i DIDN'T hack max power at all.

the sooner this is accepted, the better

i do sympathise with you cambridge, its not fair doing such things under others identity. and if any novaload peeep is found guilty of doing it well on their head be it and hope they get wots coming to them

cambridge, weve never been bestest of friends, but ill stay outta ur way as long as you dont bother me.



23-06-01, 07:52 PM
ok. you dont scratch my back and i wont scratch yours :D lol

ahhh i cant be arsed to argue ne more after all its the summer and time for chillin!!

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

23-06-01, 07:54 PM
ill scratch to that

23-06-01, 07:57 PM
peeps wear protection right. get firewalls b4 you go into chat! just to stop any ill shit happening to your pc.

and elgan thats a bit pervy! im scared :O

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

23-06-01, 07:58 PM
now theres a diffrence between going to max chat and flooding and hacking

i admit i have been in there causing shit

but framing sumone else is not very nice indeed

esesh if your clever enough to bring emaps server down and leave traces ov cambridge

Micky@novaload.net :)

23-06-01, 08:09 PM
i ma not saying ne more on the matter

23-06-01, 10:25 PM
Why doesnt someone hack maxpower and actually produce a decenty mag+website for once?


23-06-01, 11:00 PM

now who ever did hack it, should have thought have that idea! B-)

^ Aren't you in The Bill? :O

24-06-01, 12:25 PM
Right, a simple post, who knows elgan, and used to come to this site?

Who works for elgans dad?

Who messed up novaload a little while ago, making everyone go into his server/chat room thing?

Who kept commin in, pretending to be sum1 else?

Who lives near elgan(ie, swansea)?

Thats my idea, there u go.

24-06-01, 12:56 PM
good point

Micky@novaload.net :)

24-06-01, 12:59 PM
bloody good point!

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

24-06-01, 01:08 PM
too fackin obvious... he deserves a slap X-(


24-06-01, 02:23 PM
so who is it?

25-06-01, 08:14 AM
If they know the dial-up they can just contact the isp in question - in this case ntl... and then ask them to provide the user details who were logged on from that location at that time. If they say they've had a security breach from that location at that time they must by law provide the information as it's illegal to hack - and to protect the identity of a known hacker. Apparently... so i've been told.
But hey... if someones gonna be daft enough to hack without blocking their IP address these days they're just stoopid.

** Please Don't Spank Me TOO Hard... I Didn't Mean To Honest!!! **

25-06-01, 10:20 AM
Kool, was i right?

What do i win?

Where do i pick my prize up from?

Woohoo, at last, i am making a contribution to sommink, rather than jus sittin there takin the piss, i am so honored.


25-06-01, 06:28 PM
i have just thought
if they had sum sort ov dialup wouldnt they have allready sorted it out????

Micky@novaload.net :)