View Full Version : fao sa*o owners (haters etc)

16-06-01, 05:23 PM
this car belongs to a mate i have uploaded a couple off pics for your veiwing pleasure,hate, disgust, or whatever.
the other motor is mine just got it finished all done by my own fair hands
the saxo was done by me aswell but my m8 asked me to do it opinions required please http://uk.briefcase.yahoo.com/kf139

16-06-01, 07:10 PM
Nova looks mint m8

B-) Streakers beware: Your end is in sight B-)

16-06-01, 07:45 PM
nice interior m8y.

not too sure about the saxo, its a bit loud for my tastes, and its a saxo (lol)

but hey each to their own!

Im tall and your small

16-06-01, 08:00 PM
Nice work

16-06-01, 11:51 PM
ur car is nice keith
not 2 sure bout the yellow n blue colour combo on the saxo, may work better if the yelllow was gold?
jest a thought


17-06-01, 03:38 AM
ur car is lookin good keith, different to last time I saw it! I have an email from u with ur ice details from april and I *still* aint replied! lol.. gonna do that soon ;)

Heh, that saxo is colourful aint it.. sorta nice in a way :D

17-06-01, 07:03 PM
Reminds me of my first nova that saxo, except i used red on my blue 1.2 saloon...looked good on that, but the saxo is a bit OTT...depends what the owner likes though, as long as he is happy with it.
is he a member of SSC? He has the badges, but isnt on the yahoo group list, send him my way and ill give him the URL.
Tell him to email me at cris2go@yahoo.co.uk

Tell him he needs bigger rims...

18-06-01, 12:17 PM
errrr that is the most rancid thing I have ever seen !!!! (the Saxo) the Novas nie though, I like the interior !

;)Never be afraid to try anything new, remember amateurs built the ark and professionals built the Titanic !;)

18-06-01, 12:17 PM
errrr that is the most rancid thing I have ever seen !!!! (the Saxo) the Novas nice though, I like the interior !

;)Never be afraid to try anything new, remember amateurs built the ark and professionals built the Titanic !;)

18-06-01, 02:53 PM
that saxo is yuk yuk yuk...nuff said

Smoke that valver
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