View Full Version : Pearl Harbor

15-06-01, 11:23 AM
just a quick message,

ave any of u lot seen pearl harbor???????

if not u gotta go now, i said now, go and watch it NOW!!!!!! it is easily the best film i ave ever seen,

u dont know wot ur missing


:) u dont ask u dont get!!!!! :)

15-06-01, 11:38 AM
I heard it were crap, nice shiney effects but utter crap plot, like next to none, and wasnt like the real thing, load of bolox.

But if u like it, fine, tis your choice, but cos a few of my mates have seen it, and fink its rank, i aint gonna rush out 2 watch it.

15-06-01, 11:55 AM
firs 40mins was wank,the rest of the films cool,but remember to take a bird,as me n my mate were the only peeps in the cinela that didnt take a bird,:( embarrassing

15-06-01, 07:39 PM
do blow up birdage count?

what about if i take stella... ok it might be in a can, but still...


16-06-01, 01:13 AM
ive seen it and its ok but its way too fucking long. lol