View Full Version : Is it illegal to play loud music?

03-04-04, 04:46 PM
My mate Jonty got pulled by the police last week and they told him his music was too loud is this really illegal or were they just being awkward with him? He was speeding thats why he was pulled over but they told him off about the music too.

03-04-04, 05:39 PM
i think its between 23:15 and 08:15 it has to be turned down

but thats only what i got told dont take it as gospel

03-04-04, 05:54 PM
Like Epo said - but I thought it was between 23:00 and 07:00.

Something about being anti-social.

03-04-04, 07:49 PM
yep, its about anti social behaviour or noise pollution. i think it runs under the same guidelines as using the car horn at night. says in the high way code.

04-04-04, 12:42 AM
Its not just at night anymore.

05-04-04, 12:45 PM
i got told to turn it down at half 2 on a sat afternoon or i'd recieve a summonds or summit!

05-04-04, 12:49 PM
Yes it is, you can get given a written section 59 notification against your car and then if you were to do something they didnt like again (pip your horn at night) your car can be compounded :!:

05-04-04, 12:55 PM
I was told you can get a ?25 on the spot fine for really loud music :o but then again it may not be true

05-04-04, 01:24 PM
Acouple of months back an evo got compounded in notts. Warning was for music and they compounded the car for swerving in and out of lanes :o Or something along those lines anyway.

Fact is, they can do owt they like.

05-04-04, 01:25 PM
True, Took an evo away lol

05-04-04, 02:35 PM
i can imagine the law all coo-ing over it and ragging it round the compound... :roll: :lol:

06-04-04, 08:58 AM
lol imagine if the crashed it :lol: anyway i dont see the point of having your music loud whilst your driving. it just puts u off i find and deafens u. i will use my system when parked up of course. i just like to hear the sound of my exhaust whilst driving.

07-04-04, 01:36 PM
A friend of mine who is a police officer looked into this and found that there is little that they can do legally if either no one had complained or if the car was moving at a reasonable speed.

At the end of the day the law is so vague it usually comes down to the individual police officers discretion on what they say.

07-04-04, 05:23 PM
lol imagine if the crashed it :lol: anyway i dont see the point of having your music loud whilst your driving. it just puts u off i find and deafens u. i will use my system when parked up of course. i just like to hear the sound of my exhaust whilst driving.

U park up, turn ur sounds up and kill ur bat LOL I dont have a very loud system so i can have mine quite loud and its good, i love loud music

11-04-04, 09:57 PM
I always drive with my music loud and my window open, not to draw attention just cause i love my music loud and i always drive with my window open, if the old bill would stop me for it i would turn it down and say sorry then drive off and turn it back up again. Could they ever prove in court that is was a distrubingly high volume unless someone complains.

13-04-04, 05:29 PM
if i was to get pulled for havin me tunes to high it tell the copper to go forth and multiply (or to words of those effect :p )

i dont think they can touch ya at day time, traffic makes enough noise so whats a sound sysyem gonna make in the day???? come on lads and lasses

lol, thats just my opinion cus i always have my tunes loud as hell

music junky
19-06-04, 05:33 PM
If your going through a town or a village? then they are going to hear the music for a few seconds.
If your driveing through town and trying to pick up skirt? then the copper might tell you to turn it down.
On the other hand most night clubs have loud music pumping out and is sometimes louder than some systems, but they dont tell the nightclubs to turn the music down unless there is a complaint.
Most times your ok unless a copper has nothing better to do with his time than to pull you and call you names for having a better system than his lol.

DJ Kevlar
07-07-04, 08:35 PM
i asked at the police station near where i live and they said that it is BUT what the police don't know wont hert them. Cause i like to play my music loud so my advise is keep plaing it loud BUT if you see a police car then turn it down until you can't see them. Ok mate.

07-07-04, 11:11 PM
you can get done day or night for playing loud tunes under the nuisense laws. u can also get done cos it can distract ur driving (although i dnt find it does). u can receive a fine, or have it confiscated too.

my advice would be to ask them to prove it. 'prove it' gets you out a lot of s**t with the police as they genrally dnt want to have to spend hours writing reports, attending court etc...when theres a chance it wont go their way.

08-07-04, 10:00 AM
it aslo now as of the 30th of june 2004 can be brought in under the anti social behaviour order which i think is a bit harsh it does not mean u get fine or anything just stops u going anwhere near the area u was in doing it also u must have some 1 complain to be issued with this order or to be prosocuted

08-07-04, 07:10 PM
yeah but usin the "prove it" method can get u in more shit as thats windin the coppers up therfore there more likely to go through ur car with a fine tooth comb lookin for other problems
ive seen examples of where coppers have even checked the distance of number plate letters to make sure they are correct all because the lad got out with the attitude of "you'll find fuck all wrong with my car" sufice to say they did find summat wrong

at the end of the day there doing a job most coppers are all right with u as long as ur allright with them dont give them any amunition to wind them up

09-07-04, 11:03 AM
i love south wales hardly ne cops about to have complaints made lol.. jus dont play it loud in the streets..

14-07-04, 12:38 AM
i think it is illegal only if people complain and it is after 9pm, like the horn use law...