View Full Version : new road tax stuff

31-03-04, 03:29 PM
I've been thinking (which is usually a bad sign) about the new tax laws,
surely if you sell your car and the log book doesn't for whatever reason get filled in and sent off, when the reminder form comes through just sorn the vehicle and send a letter off to the dvla telling them the vehicle has been sold and as much detail of the new owner as is known (as it says to on the back of the reminder) surely you will escape the fine?
so as long as you keep on top of your own car tax you won't get caught out by the money grabbing government????????

31-03-04, 03:33 PM
afaik its up to the seller i think to fill out the details on the V5 and send it off the the DVLA, the new owner gets the tear off green strip at the bottom...