View Full Version : Thiefs Payback

31-05-01, 08:25 AM
Saturday night, our lass spots a lad running fron or drive carrying something? (my battery charger) Bastards. Anyway I can't see owt missing, but the garrage door was unlocked. 10 mins later two lads wander past and look straight in, I pretend not to noitice then dial 999. 5 mins later they pull up 3 houses up and start loading stone troughs and bird baths in the trailer. just as they are about to go the old bill pulls up, I wave them on pointing at the nova van. They chase the van across town, and in to a council estste, before you know it theres dog vans, helicopter etc. They tried to outrun a T5 and then throw the stolen goods at it (including my chargerx-( ) anyway they rammed the T5, then lost it on a bend hit a lamp post and crashed in to a garden. The driver got away but the cops nicked the other in the car, sprayed CS gas in his face :). Anyway I know these who these lads are, there nasty bastards, but there going down for it even if I get a kicking for giving evidence, fuck em. I have been practicing with the pick axe handle on some bags of sand, Im gonna break there fucking legs if they come back so they can't run away.x-(

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

31-05-01, 08:42 AM

31-05-01, 08:53 AM
hahahaha good work fella


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

31-05-01, 09:06 AM
Bring your axe to MK on sunday and practice on some Corsa drivers !!!!


Never be afraid to try anything new, remember amateurs built the ark and professionals built the Titanic !

31-05-01, 09:14 AM
Nice one Damian ;)

"Beware of the voices"

31-05-01, 10:49 AM
wont rexy be upset about a nova van being trashed lol

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

31-05-01, 03:20 PM
make them look at your face, then break just 1 of there kneww caps and rip the muscle big style around the knee itself. they "WILL" be able to walk again, but with a sever limp. When people ask how they got the limp, they will remember your face, and will rememebr the instance and the pain they got from the injury. Its not about physical wounds they can be 90% healed, its about the mental scarrs that can never be fixed.

(Extract taken from Davos mind)

:) Here and now, i wanna be the one for you :)

31-05-01, 03:59 PM
Davo do you fancy helping me do them it sounds like you might quite enjoy it, I was thinking more along the lines of binding and gaging them and then keeping them in the cellar for a few days torturing them. Possibly get some big black gay boy to bum them :O .

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

31-05-01, 04:06 PM
no you do it m8, although they will be slightly mentally scarred form your cellar bit, you cant blind fold them, it takes away the fear in there eyes, the fear that keeps your anger high, the fear that makes you fell 10ft taller than the scum that they are. If you see fear inside them, you know that they are just as weak as everybody else, and that they need to be taught that valuabel fucking lesson. "
Dont fuck with me or i will ruin your sad lonely pathetic little life even more.

:) Here and now, i wanna be the one for you :)

31-05-01, 04:09 PM
Davo were you foaming at the mouth when you wrote that last post. :D

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

31-05-01, 04:11 PM
Davo were you foaming at the mouth when you wrote that last post. :D

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

31-05-01, 04:23 PM
was i foaming, no its just how i see underprivelaged twats that thnk that destroying / stealing / hurting others is wrong and they need a reason for not doing it again. I "may" take it too far, but i dont care x-( lol

:) Here and now, i wanna be the one for you :)

31-05-01, 04:29 PM
I agree with you fully Davo, in reality it isn't worth me doing anything to them myself, as I have too much to loose, and they will recognise me, but thats not to say I don't know poeple who have nothing to loose and could do with a bit of extra cash ;).

"Theres something missing, I'm not all there, Theres something missing".

31-05-01, 04:31 PM
Big black gay guy. Davo r u black?

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

31-05-01, 04:46 PM
in one sense i am ;) (for the ladies)

i knew that was coming and i planned an answer as well!

:) Here and now, i wanna be the one for you :)

02-06-01, 04:35 AM
lol......I like your suggestions.....I hate the fucking bastard wankers! Some twat decided to bend my wipers last Friday night....for no fucking reason....just to be a complete fucking arse hole shagging, tit faced bastard ****! God help me if I ever catch anyone doing something like that.....I'd be up for murder! Fucking bastards........(right, calm down....blood is about to spurt from my eyes!....arghhhhhhhh) X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-( X-(

02-06-01, 11:21 PM
ermm davo ermmm ruff childhood :-/

only joking!!!!!!!


03-06-01, 01:15 PM
i saw this on triggre happy TV last nite and i thaught it could help you.
He was telling these two old boys that were sat in a park that he locks people in a cellar and doesn't feed them anything except hunny for 3 of 4 months. Anyway after 4 months, a person with this much hunny in them will burn for 7 days. So i thaught that this could give you great satisfaction in watching these TWOCers burning for 7 days. Mind you i don't know if it is really tue, he could have been lying? :-/