View Full Version : North West to mk??

01-06-01, 09:25 AM
is anyone still going?

fenix is still rebuilding his engine, rex's engine is knackered, ste has just blown his engine up and needs rebuilding....
john hilton, are you going?

i'm still not sure, as waiting on driveshaft seals and also not sure on spending ?60 petrol just for a meet and cruise?

is anyone else going? will fenix's car be fixed in time?(sounds like an old batman tv programme now lol)


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

01-06-01, 09:52 AM
I'm definately still going down to MK, I will be going on the sunday morning. As far as I know, nova-run is going to be coming down aswell, but not sure about anyone else.

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

01-06-01, 09:53 AM
But Ian, you're so rich, you live with you're poarents, you work for a large insurance comapany, you spend fortunes on your car, I'm sure you can afford ?60 on petrol. Also, what sort of attitude is that "just for a cruise and a meet", you should turn up to support Novaload and to see more of the country you old fuddy duddy ;)
I think JK's still coming down, at least thats what he said to me the other day, mail him to check.
Go on Ian, you know you want to come down really :)


"Beware of the voices"

01-06-01, 09:55 AM
oh dear slim, it looks like you were just to slow!!! if you had waited an extra 50 seconds you wouldve seen my post and now that I am coming down still.

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

01-06-01, 11:57 AM
Come on lads we need your support!


Whoopass! :D

01-06-01, 12:05 PM
I know John ;) As son as I hit refresh, I knew the second message was from yourself, hehe :)

"Beware of the voices"

01-06-01, 12:39 PM
You forget i have to pay for a respray, and new tyres and new seats all this month! and a ?230 phone bill doh!


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

01-06-01, 12:41 PM
unlucky ian!! I thought it was bad enough getting an MOT/TAX and new tyres in one month and my car only failed on emissions, so the mot wasn't that bad!!!!!!

Are you getting the same colour respray or a different colour?

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

01-06-01, 12:46 PM
wont be going either, too much to spend on me car this month

01-06-01, 01:03 PM
i also forgot that i had to buy a driveshaft as well!
colour change...no im not telling you the colour lol!

and it is just a meet, its a long way for an afternoon.
i never said i was definitely going, as i disagreed with the location and thought it should have been nearer the midlands (centre of the country) to make it fairer for everyone.


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

01-06-01, 01:10 PM
i will be there!!! it's not just a meet it's a big chance to meet people, and get your car in redline

01-06-01, 01:29 PM
well i'll know by end of tonight whether i'll make it down. Quietly confident that i will make it.

There ain't much more that can be wrong with engine. Everything is new now LOL.

I know dicko is going down mingle as pass.

think we need to organise a meeting at knutsford but i'll have to let u know tonight. JK and Ian i've got ur numbers and no doubt i'll speak to dicko on chat.

Any other northerners or have you all gone back into ur shells.

is Chris T coming? we could arrange to meet as passing birmingham.

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

01-06-01, 02:17 PM
Ian, we could always do a meet in the midlands, it's not like this is the only meet of the year, but sometimes you have to make the effort. I made the effort to go to the rolling road day. There's people less well of than you coming from further afield. It's making the effort that counts, like nova-run said, it's not just a meet, it's a chance to speak to each other face to face and get to know each other. Redline being there is a bonus. It's your choice at the end of the day.


"Beware of the voices"

01-06-01, 02:18 PM
yep, think il still be going! but not on my own! Cant b assed to drive 110miles on my own!

01-06-01, 04:16 PM
i am only joking i am having to bring ste with me(bribes accepted to leave him at home lol)
and can we please find dicko a friend?
dicko you can meet us on m6 so you wont be on own. or what happened to all these birds you keep talking about?


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

01-06-01, 04:19 PM
Ian, i think they were in his dreams (wet) :D

01-06-01, 04:49 PM
oh yeah and breeny is buying me and ste a maccys meal each, i have it in writing hahaha!


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

01-06-01, 05:03 PM
hehhehe. i don't remember saying that? must have been someone on my computer while i was away ;)

01-06-01, 05:27 PM
well, erm, the women, wot do i get for bringing the fitest women? If i get something i might. But silly me told em they slow my car down, they took it as they r fat, so they aint impressed.
But i can 'convince' at least 1 of em to come!!!

01-06-01, 05:34 PM
Is she a relative?


Whoopass! :D

01-06-01, 06:42 PM
sorry people, my cars no where near ready until summer 3001, so ill have to miss it.

hope you get all the good weather etc etc, and it all goes well.


Im tall and your small

01-06-01, 08:18 PM
lol mc! i could bring a very fit bird(to some) the driver of a golf, lol! or on a serious note i could bring her cousin(pas.) who my mate boned! by the way she doesn't use protection, she wants to get preg.!!

*!!i h8 speed cameras!!*

01-06-01, 09:34 PM
right peeps i'f anyone can get me a 16v head and bottom pully tonight
i'll be in mk tomorow!!

nahh thought not X-(

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02-06-01, 12:23 PM
Hm Spanishfly..no Charlotte then? :-/