View Full Version : forget it...

22-03-04, 09:42 PM
Fvcked off with the usual nobs on here so not asking for help on this subject.

22-03-04, 09:43 PM
can you use both?


22-03-04, 09:47 PM
Why are you having to get your car towed?


22-03-04, 09:51 PM
Jim please dont answer and question with a question.

Cant use both as only have 1 rope and two hook eye's.

22-03-04, 09:52 PM
Why are you having to get your car towed?


22-03-04, 09:55 PM
bugger both beat me to it, but it does have to be asked

22-03-04, 09:58 PM
what a surpirse the usuals have come and had their little dig, well im not telling you because i dont need to waiste my time. I can do what i like and dont have to explain anything to any of you, just forget it.

22-03-04, 10:04 PM
lol, neil throws his toys from his pram again.

and i missed it :lol:

come on neil, tell us your problems :wink:

22-03-04, 10:05 PM
wtf is goin on here?

22-03-04, 10:06 PM
Have i missed something?

Chin up neil!


22-03-04, 10:06 PM
wtf is goin on here?

was thinking the same, think i may of missed another topic or something.

22-03-04, 10:10 PM
Well once again the 'big shots' on here do there little thing of changing the post to suit them.

I asked a question and the normal crew decided to answer a question with another question which has NOTHING to do with the help i wanted.

Just wished this FVCKERS would stop being tw@ts!

Once again i dont do anything and people have to have a dig.

Just had enough of the 'big guys' who like to make things twice as hard.

22-03-04, 10:13 PM
neil wanted to know how to tow his car and also said dont ask me why i am having to have it towed, so of course it got asked and he started crying

22-03-04, 10:17 PM
i even know where to tow a car and im a girl

22-03-04, 10:17 PM
not difficult to see thats what ya gonna get on here dude...
dont worry bout it i say.

22-03-04, 10:17 PM
yep, i started crying because i asked a decent simple question about best ways to tow, then edited it as Jim asked why am i having it towed which is not the help i asked for, so once again the meanie's on here being their usual annoying selves.
Ill ask someone that doesn't answer a question with a question shall i, like a NORMAL person does.

22-03-04, 10:20 PM
and anyway, why you only blame the big shots, jim's only a tiddler.

As for all this hassle, a simple quick reply a job done, there was no need to play the panto dame lol

22-03-04, 10:23 PM
jim's only got a tiddler.


22-03-04, 10:34 PM
well it really fvcks me off how its always the same.

found out anyway so admin can delete this pointless post now its been butt fvcked.

22-03-04, 10:41 PM
chill out mate,though i had noticed it is alway you that does get the pi55 ripped out off the most..


22-03-04, 10:43 PM
hmm you make a fool of yourself, call those who asked a genuine question all sorts of names and then purposefully avoid the swear filter.

Then you assume we will make it all go away by deleting a thread that has nothing really wrong with it.

22-03-04, 10:44 PM
yeah well some has to be the victim. just shows wat tossers are on this site.

22-03-04, 10:49 PM
Yet another high-quality thread pioneered by Neil.

I think towing information is in the Haynes manual to answer the original question.

22-03-04, 10:58 PM

the question "why" is quite vaild. THe reason being if the car has suffered at the hands of a vandal for example and is lacking a wheel or similar componentry then there will obviously need to be allowances made for that sort of thing.

Also, where possible if the car is being towed the motor would be needed to generate the vacuum assistance for the braking system.


22-03-04, 11:00 PM

the question "why" is quite vaild. THe reason being if the car has suffered at the hands of a vandal for example and is lacking a wheel or similar componentry then there will obviously need to be allowances made for that sort of thing.

Also, where possible if the car is being towed the motor would be needed to generate the vacuum assistance for the braking system.


idea of towing it is so he dosent have to use the engine till its there

22-03-04, 11:02 PM
it could be a snapped cable or driveshaft or some other reason why the engine could still be run to provide servo assistance

22-03-04, 11:04 PM

not always - if it was another issue such as ian listed then it could well have been utilised to avoid the "my brakes feel like cement" caper of no assistance.

Anyhow - thought it was running ok now?

22-03-04, 11:08 PM
its obvious that he is getting it towed to get his exhuast done if anyone has ever read his other posts and not just taken the piss, :roll: :lol:

22-03-04, 11:10 PM

not always

might not be

but i know whats wrong with it and i know why hes going and elsey hes doing that later in the week - this is for another reason :!:

how long before this gets "muppetted" :?:

Rick Draper
22-03-04, 11:16 PM
www.roybacer.net <<<<<<<<<<<<<< There is the door now shut it on your way out please, they accept people like you and that TDi bint there. Rick

22-03-04, 11:18 PM
its obvious that he is getting it towed to get his exhuast done if anyone has ever read his other posts and not just taken the p**s, :roll: :lol:

if its for the exhaust then what is wrong with saying that?

why get all "up in the air" about it? why not be proud?

im baffled


22-03-04, 11:18 PM
I asked the best for towing advice, all other information is not needed, if i had 3 wheels and said whats best for towing it then could reply to that.

But i simply asked the best towing advice, nothing else, just towing, not how to make a cake or to say a driveshaft had snapped, just towing, so why are people listing other POSSIBLE causes when ive only asked for towing advice?

22-03-04, 11:23 PM
not how to make a cake

as good (or crap???) as my engine building skills are neil im sorry you wont be able to make a cake with it. come chat to me on msn son ill sort you out :lol: :oops: oooeeerrr

22-03-04, 11:30 PM
when someone asks about towing someone will ask whats wrong with it. its the logical answer to giving the best advice.

you ring up a garage and say i need some advice on my car. the first thing they'll ask is whats wrong with it. its a way of getting more details which hopefully will enable them to give the best advice.

22-03-04, 11:31 PM
pmt it happens but never seen it in blokes :lol:

22-03-04, 11:32 PM
permanent moody twat :?:

22-03-04, 11:43 PM
how to tow a car

1) tie two cars together

2) drive


i really fail to see why you have taken such an argumentative tone with me. Thus far i have withheld from the "piss taking" and even offered advice (your clio) where i felt it relevant.

I also felt it relevant whether the engine worked in the car as if it isnt, IMO, as youve spent a lot on the cars bodywork, it would be best of trailered to where ever it needs to go.

However, Do it your own way (invariably you will) but be careful and if you do have to tow then use a rigid bar.


PS: Cars usually need towing due to a mechanical defect you blithering idiot. Ssometimes that defect can stop wheels turning or otherwise affect the Chassis' mobility. Hense the question WHY.

23-03-04, 12:17 AM
Phill you are one of the many people who give the best advice and is very helpful, as we just spoke in the orgy on MSN.

I only have to go 6.45 miles from my house to town, i have phoned up THREE transport places and they all want a ?35 call out charge and bout ?1 a mile, these are the ones in sheffield. The quoted about ?50 in all for one trip!

I could drive it there but as only just building the engine the reason im going to this place i dont want to use the engine before i have this work carried out.

So for the sake of 6.45 miles im going to have a mate tow it. its going to be at 7am to miss allthe traffic and take it nice and slow.

23-03-04, 12:21 AM

rigid tow bar then. saves you having to worry about hitting car infront.

if you got rope only then be bloody careful as early morning is full of people late for work who will dive suicidally out of junctions...


23-03-04, 12:30 AM
only got rope to use, got it from haflords so its the propper jobie.

Will be traveling at 7am to avoid the morning rush! Made big TOW signs on printer.

Will just take it very slowly!

23-03-04, 08:22 AM
I asked why because (as Phil said) there are a number of different ways of towing. If your brakes are buggered, then a rigid tow bar is needed. If you're sterring is knackered, then you will need a proper tow truck to take you there. Will's fuses blew on his Nova and I called the AA out for him and they used a rigid tow bar to take him home.

FFS neil, stop getting all wound up. I wasn't having a dig, I was simply asking for more information to give you a better answer.

In fact, you have answered the question yourself, so why bother posting in the first place?

Seems to me that you want the attention, well, when you go posting stupid posts about something as simple as towing a car you're bound to get someone ask why it needs to be towed. If it wasn't me that asked it, it would have been somoeone else.

Next thing you know, you'll be putting up a post asking how to change a wheel! FFS get some common sense and grow up!


23-03-04, 09:07 AM
pmsl @ this post

23-03-04, 09:46 AM

23-03-04, 11:31 AM
Ste sanders: the infamous! legendary picture man

23-03-04, 11:36 AM
only got rope to use, got it from haflords so its the propper jobie.

Will be traveling at 7am to avoid the morning rush! Made big TOW signs on printer.

Will just take it very slowly!

lol fuck that... i tow all the time on a rope... fuck the tow signs too... and driving with the hazzards on

towed my car 40miles the other week when the box broke.. 80-90mph most of the way..... newcastle to wales on a rope at night with no lights or wipers on the car being towed... in the rain :lol:

towing ain't hard.... get over it!

23-03-04, 11:38 AM
oh and whatever you do don't use a kenetic recovery rope by mistake... it gets very intresting :lol:

23-03-04, 11:39 AM
oh and whatever you do don't use a kenetic recovery rope by mistake... it gets very intresting :lol:

whats one of them?

23-03-04, 02:27 PM
i thought it was illegal to tow on a rope??
i'm probably wrong though
i got a bar from local company was about ?6 does the job perfect!

23-03-04, 02:32 PM
There's a caravanning place in sheffield somewhere that i bought my towing bar from a few years back... i'd have let you borrow it Neil but unfortunately it was taken away when the nova's were carted off and scrapped when i was living at my mums (i didnt know about it for 3 months lol).

Towing on a rope isnt so bad really... but if you arent running the engine be prepared to have your brakes suddenly dissapear and leave you reaching for the handbrake at junctions... Me and my mate towed an SR i bought from Kent and intended to fetch it all the way back up here... but since the engine needed work i couldnt run the engine on that either... and it was very scary when the brakes failed - so scary i got my mate to unhook me and bugger off home on his own and i phoned the aa and got a relay home :lol:

23-03-04, 02:48 PM
Towing on a rope is ok as long as the person in front just takes it easy and remembers to slow down well in advance of junctions and suchlike. Towed my mate martin once and that was fine, just told him not to panic and wrench the handbrake on else i'll end up sat on the ground between two halves of a nova :lol:

23-03-04, 02:59 PM
www.roybacer.net <<<<<<<<<<<<<< There is the door now shut it on your way out please, they accept people like you and that TDi bint there. Rick

ROFLMFAO!!!! :lol: :lol:

23-03-04, 03:35 PM
Towing on a rope is ok as long as the person in front just takes it easy and remembers to slow down well in advance of junctions and suchlike. :

nahh the person being towed does the braking

23-03-04, 03:44 PM
Towing on a rope is ok as long as the person in front just takes it easy and remembers to slow down well in advance of junctions and suchlike. :

nahh the person being towed does the braking

yeah i know, but what i was meaning was if the person behind has no power from the brake servo (due to non running engine) their brakes won't be as effective - so if the person in front stops suddenly the person behind won't!!

23-03-04, 06:15 PM
was fine, now got new water pump and 2ltr brakes with calipers, discs and pads.

Work great now.

Having the full SS system fitted 2morow at 12 so can see what it's like after then.

23-03-04, 06:22 PM
was fine, now got new water pump and 2ltr brakes with calipers, discs and pads.

Are we right in assuming you had no brakes (or your brakes wern't working), hence why you needed to be towed?


23-03-04, 06:24 PM
Towing on a rope is ok as long as the person in front just takes it easy and remembers to slow down well in advance of junctions and suchlike. :

nahh the person being towed does the braking

yeah i know, but what i was meaning was if the person behind has no power from the brake servo (due to non running engine) their brakes won't be as effective - so if the person in front stops suddenly the person behind won't!!

the person in front doesn't brake unless

a) they are gonna run someone over
b) they are going to hit another car

23-03-04, 06:31 PM
the person in front doesn't brake unless

a) they are gonna run someone over
b) they are going to hit another car


c. ian 's behind and you happen to be driving a beemer

23-03-04, 06:32 PM
just get a tow bar from halfords much easier...

23-03-04, 06:35 PM
Lindon WTF, bit late mate, this happened this morning.

Brakes were fine, now got 2ltr ones to match the 2ltr engine, instead of the corsa GSI ones.

Water pump was knackered so took it to garage, and you smart arse's we did try and remove it while the engine was out but bolts were rusted in. so tried it and it didnt work.

All good now.

23-03-04, 06:38 PM

23-03-04, 06:40 PM
(Above is my contribution to this pointless 4-page conversation (i know its pointless btw))

23-03-04, 06:59 PM
the person in front doesn't brake unless

a) they are gonna run someone over
b) they are going to hit another car


c. ian 's behind and you happen to be driving a beemer


23-03-04, 07:29 PM
Water pump was knackered so took it to garage, and you smart arse's we did try and remove it while the engine was out but bolts were rusted in. so tried it and it didnt work.

noone said a word!! :roll:

23-03-04, 09:34 PM
I miss the comedy of Novaload!!! :lol:

24-03-04, 01:47 AM
lol sorry neil.. glad u got it sorted in the end