View Full Version : Corsa/Jag/Pug

20-03-04, 11:53 PM
For anyone who hasn't seen this.............



all i can say is errrrrrmmmm :!:

21-03-04, 12:00 AM
ummmmmmmm, yeah :s

21-03-04, 12:08 AM
to be honest i do like it, only because i can see how much work has gone into it and it's been done propperly, really dont like the MERCADES front tho, dont do anything for it, but still, appreciate the work thats gone into it!

21-03-04, 12:23 AM
oh dear, things just get worse and worse.

i cant wait till i sell my car and get a standard micra.

21-03-04, 12:40 AM
that looks crazy! some people must have massive amounts of patience and skill to create these cars.

it'll definately stand out from the crowd of combat kitted corsas!! :lol:

21-03-04, 12:43 AM
really dont like the MERCADES front tho

just had a look at jaguar.com, they look more like the Jaguar S-type front lights.

21-03-04, 01:04 AM
Yeah, gotta love that completely smooth boot, what next, weld the doors up too? :roll: Only on a corsa......


21-03-04, 01:07 AM
nowt new weldin the doors up..

bo and luke duke done that years ago



21-03-04, 01:39 AM
It's Jaguar, some nutter on CorsaSport doing it, looks well good!

21-03-04, 01:49 AM
Fibre glass me up! :o

Looks like alot of work gone into that, but the question has to be asked,WHY??????????????????? :?

21-03-04, 02:27 AM

21-03-04, 03:06 AM
not to my taste but someone def got a weird imagination

21-03-04, 03:35 AM
how much will that get noticed!?!
not my cup of tea but still one hell of a lot of wrk gone into it!

21-03-04, 08:09 AM
we live in a shitty world.

21-03-04, 09:14 AM
I love this car. Not sure on the bits that come off the rear arches onto the door.

Even considered buying it when it ws for sale a while ago to finish off, but was to late.

They are jag headlights.

21-03-04, 09:39 AM
has someone bought this to finish off then?

21-03-04, 09:45 AM
Looks shite, will be slow as fuck cos of the weight and whoever drives it wuill be scared of hammering it cos bit's will fall off, the filler will crack. Bet it gets front cover of a mag when it's finished...

21-03-04, 10:00 AM
i like it, i wud change afew things, but its unique. i would love a unique car.

21-03-04, 11:11 AM
i unfortunatly say i do actually relli like that chunk of fibreglass evrything lines up and looks a quality job - gotta luv it for that alone

21-03-04, 12:48 PM
that is unique. And I like it.

21-03-04, 12:49 PM
i like it

21-03-04, 02:06 PM
like it aswell, amazing work, even if u dont like it u av to apreciate the work gone into it.

top job thumbs up

21-03-04, 02:16 PM
i dont like it one bit!! but it will be a cover car. what a load of work is in doing a project like that????

21-03-04, 02:28 PM
I actually really like this
obv a lot of time and thought has gone into it.

Just needs the right colour to make it look the bees knees

21-03-04, 04:08 PM
dont really like, its trying to be a saxo an i dont do saxo's

21-03-04, 04:14 PM
love it! it looks nufink like a saxo! looks like a corsa/pug/jag! lol! i wouldnt mind owning that

21-03-04, 04:52 PM
i think it looks quite good. Its deffo Jag front, who said it was Merc ? :2gunfire:

21-03-04, 05:28 PM
saw it a couple of months back on mig, i really like the s-type lights, not too keen on the rest tho

21-03-04, 05:39 PM
love that it looks absolutly class

ill prolly get bunnd for saying this but its jus my type of car all show

21-03-04, 05:48 PM
well i thik it good,look dif thats for sure..


21-03-04, 05:53 PM
yea the original owner who started the project put it up for sale a while back now.

Didnt have the funds to finish it I think. It was no way near the stage it is now back then.

21-03-04, 06:18 PM
looks well good i think, something different anyway,

will deff make cover tho

21-03-04, 07:52 PM
not sure on the front but the rear looks good

21-03-04, 10:28 PM
I like it, its just mental. nice crazy paint job to top it off

23-03-04, 12:20 AM
ok, next car up on the 'what the hell is it' stage is a Paxo


23-03-04, 08:25 AM
^^^LOL, I take it it's a show car only?^^^ It's having trouble getting over the pebbles on the road :lol:


23-03-04, 08:30 AM
^^^ I saw the one above in the flesh, thats the bodyshop my car is going to for some work :D It has nice hydrolic suspension

23-03-04, 11:43 AM
The jag/corsa/pug is fu*king AWESOME :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

And that Saxo is awesome to. 8) 8)
What car is that standing in the back of the saxo on the first pics, looks mental.??

23-03-04, 12:22 PM
the best thing about the saxo, is the use of chromed/polished alloy struts in the grille and bumper recesses, rather than mesh.

Looks good to me.

Also, i do actually really like the Corsa, the Saxo AND 'that thing in the background' too. lol

But there will be a lot of finger pointing and laughing from middle aged middle class white people when the corsa drives past 'em, purely for the fact of what it has fitted to the front.

23-03-04, 12:58 PM
what thing in the back ground. the one to the left is a 206 and the one behind is a mad fiesta on 19s

23-03-04, 12:59 PM
it would be that fiesta then! ohh and love the front bumpers hanging on the wall nice touch!

23-03-04, 08:58 PM
well we all know what i think of saxo's but im going to have too say it dont look too bad,im likeing the seat headlights..make's it look loads better.


23-03-04, 10:20 PM
them bars look like the ones in my airing cupboard at home

the corsa gets some respect as its been hand built my some guy out of the trade (chef i think) on his own between working jobs (from what i understand on corsasport)

paying someone like type k styling to do all that doesnt really earn much respect, it takes some skill to build a car like that corsa on your own.