View Full Version : Glossop Gatsos

16-03-04, 02:07 PM
Have any of you driven thru Glossop lately? (sounds random lol). Anyway, i was drivin 2 liverpool last week wit me gf to watch liverpool play marseille (wish i hadnt bothered :o ). Went the snake pass way from sheffield and wen i got into Glossop i noticed that all the gatsos were the wrong way round - the lens was facing the on comming traffic and the back facing the lines that are on the road. Does anyone know why they are all the wrong way round or is it the Glossop scallies messin around??

16-03-04, 02:10 PM
either someone messing or they have been turned around to do the other side of road of there is one

16-03-04, 02:14 PM
there aint any lines on the other side of the road :o

16-03-04, 02:20 PM
Plus the flashes would get in the eyes of the oncoming traffic - Either they aren't Gatso's and are the one's that get infared pics of the front of your car (including No plate) or some neds have turned them round (but that sounds like a hell of a lot of hard work).

16-03-04, 05:53 PM
there not gatsos, thats why!!

there the new truvelos, that get you facing towards you, i have to drive throught glossop everyweek, they do work.

16-03-04, 05:55 PM
also more effective than gatsos because they get a picture of the driver to prove it was (or perhaps wasn't) you

16-03-04, 07:50 PM
just cover your face when you drive thru them. so how do they get motorcycles then?

16-03-04, 08:01 PM
they dont get bikes, thats why alot of ppl are crying about them

16-03-04, 08:05 PM
time to get a bike then! or go thru in my nova on two wheels with one headlight removed!

16-03-04, 09:07 PM
so the cameras that are facing towards you are much worse to get done by then. if the camera flashes do you always get a fine coz ive heard someof them are just fakes

17-03-04, 01:06 AM
i think its an invasion of priversy takin a photo of you driving eg....get speeding with a misstress in the car with you goes to court you and your wife attend they show you the photo of you and your misstress speeding and hey presto ?60 fine 3 points and a divoce!!!!! :lol:

17-03-04, 01:18 AM
There's an easy way round that :roll: you don't go to court they just send you a letter or if you decide to take it to court to argue the case then don't take the missus to court with you :P :lol:

17-03-04, 01:21 AM
so the cameras that are facing towards you are much worse to get done by then. if the camera flashes do you always get a fine coz ive heard someof them are just fakes

If you drive towards them at night and you make them flash they can't get ya trust me if they did i'd prob have about 12000 points an be bankrupt :twisted:

17-03-04, 02:19 AM

17-03-04, 02:30 AM
i think its an invasion of priversy takin a photo of you driving eg....get speeding with a misstress in the car with you goes to court you and your wife attend they show you the photo of you and your misstress speeding and hey presto ?60 fine 3 points and a divoce!!!!! :lol:

The one's that face you don't flash - consider the dangers of driving along at night and one flashes at the front of your car temporarily blinding you for a second or two?
Just think about it somemore, They'd flash you cos you were going over the speed limit, so by blinding you they would be creating a huge lawsuit if you were to hit another car / go off the road after being flashed head on

The one's that face you don't use film camera like the old Gatso's, they can see in the dark (Infa red) and the first thing you'll know about being caught is when the fine / summons hits your door mat (They are all linked to the Police's computers and fine are sent out automatically - so I believe).

Be aware of these evil pieces of work.

17-03-04, 05:03 PM
the 1 that got me though or think got me woz facing towards me n it flashed but the lines on the road were behind the camera. its well dodgy though i woz only doin 46 in a 40 is there any way you can tell the new cameras or are they all new now.

17-03-04, 05:03 PM
the 1 that got me though or think got me woz facing towards me n it flashed but the lines on the road were behind the camera. its well dodgy though i woz only doin 46 in a 40 is there any way you can tell the new cameras or are they all new now.

17-03-04, 05:45 PM
i think its an invasion of priversy takin a photo of you driving eg....get speeding with a misstress in the car with you goes to court you and your wife attend they show you the photo of you and your misstress speeding and hey presto ?60 fine 3 points and a divoce!!!!! :lol:

The one's that face you don't flash - consider the dangers of driving along at night and one flashes at the front of your car temporarily blinding you for a second or two?
Just think about it somemore, They'd flash you cos you were going over the speed limit, so by blinding you they would be creating a huge lawsuit if you were to hit another car / go off the road after being flashed head on

The one's that face you don't use film camera like the old Gatso's, they can see in the dark (Infa red) and the first thing you'll know about being caught is when the fine / summons hits your door mat (They are all linked to the Police's computers and fine are sent out automatically - so I believe).

Be aware of these evil pieces of work.

This is true the cameras are linked up to a database when your flashed it registers in a computer then it comes up on there screen BINGO WEVE MADE SOME MORE OF PEOPLES HARD EARNED MONEY :o :evil: The easy way round it is not to speed :twisted:

17-03-04, 06:31 PM
this 1 did flash though but there was a car speedin goin the opposite way 2 so maybe it was him that got done from behind

i always thought the lines on the road ment something

i no its prob best not to speed especially as i hvnt bin drivin for 2 years n i already have 3 points

17-03-04, 07:57 PM
image search

"glossop camera"


18-03-04, 09:13 AM
this 1 did flash though but there was a car speedin goin the opposite way 2 so maybe it was him that got done from behind

sounds like a common police practice :lol:

i always thought the lines on the road ment something

They do, its so they can work out manually how fast u were going, distance vs time blah blah[/quote]

18-03-04, 02:51 PM
Like Stu says. There are so many cameras now and so many different types its best just not to speed. Not worth it.

This explains it all!