View Full Version : FAO Ste

21-05-01, 12:53 PM
Ste, in the styling forum u mentioned a 'bad boy bonnet' plate thingie for mk1 nova's. U said they were available from www.ccmotorsport.co.uk

i went and had a goosey...and it looks nice...but i think the picture on the cc motorsport web site is of one that's been smoothed in?? Is this bad boy eyebrow thingie the same one as on the burgandy nova on the www.vauxstyle.co.uk home page?

the reason why i ask is cos i'm getting rid of the grille, and completely meshing it out (like the silver nova on 17's in fast car a few months back)...what can i bolt the eyebrow spoiler to? to it bolt to the grill mounting points or does it actually get held on by bolting it to the grill itself?

what could i bolt it to if i got rid theof the grill?


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21-05-01, 12:55 PM
www.vauxstyle.com sorry

21-05-01, 02:02 PM

I'm having mine done and its being welded to the bonnet. you can get one the just sticks over the grille, but doesn't look as good.

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

21-05-01, 10:09 PM
how would u release bennet latch?