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View Full Version : bloody virus

15-03-04, 06:43 PM
is anyone else getting these stupid e-mail viruses ? they look like normal e-mails that people have sent to you- and aren't just random addresses like normal - some of them have had addresses from here and others from hotmail etc etc, and have : 'please read the attached file', or 'heres the file you asked for' why cant the annoying fuck heads who think its funny to spread viruses do something good with their time instead of wasting mine!

rob mason SR
15-03-04, 07:01 PM
im glad its not just me, ive had about 10 each day for the last week!
thankfully hotmail has gat wise and is blocking the attachments.

15-03-04, 07:02 PM
My yahoo addy seems to be overrun with a bunch of emails from what appear to be normal sources... they're all re: something or other, and 24k with or without an attachment. Haven't risked opening any yet.

rob mason SR
15-03-04, 07:05 PM
unless you are expecting an email from any of the senders, id delete them permanantly. Whatever you do DO NOT open them! not if you dont want to have to reinstall windows anyway!

15-03-04, 07:08 PM
yeah, i've been getting rather trigger happy on the delete key anyway :lol:

15-03-04, 08:06 PM
i had 1 with someones name on off here :o
havent had any for the last 2 days tho

15-03-04, 10:50 PM
I got a virus last week so i went to see doctor Kenning and he said that it was only tempory and would go away soon.

Bugger me 3 days later it had gone. Such a clever bloke that guy.

15-03-04, 10:52 PM
:roll: :lol: :lol:

16-03-04, 10:38 AM
this looks like the virus (its a link to the McAfee site):


If you have the virus and want to get rid of it, download this (Stinger):


I've just looked in my bulk mail folder in Yahoo and i've got emails from people on here that look like they've been sent by this virus (just PM-ed them to let them know!!)

16-03-04, 05:02 PM
this the one?
Scan result: Virus "W32.Netsky.D@mm" found.
You can not download this attachment

16-03-04, 06:00 PM
Not the same, but its a similar one:


16-03-04, 07:26 PM
this the one?
Scan result: Virus "W32.Netsky.D@mm" found.
You can not download this attachment
nah that is an old one that tried to shut down the microsoft site by bombarding it with dns requests. I recieved 1 billion requests withen two minutes and it only slowed the microsft site by 0.13 seconds or something similar.

Just goes to show, you cant take on billy boy and win! :cry:

17-03-04, 04:19 AM
virus's are indeed gay :?

18-03-04, 02:42 PM
:o do they take it up the bum? :x

18-03-04, 03:25 PM
We've just had one at my work. It appears to be a blank email, but actually contains a virus. When you go to open it, it says something about an 'active x component'. We proceeded to get about half a dozen emails all with the same title "Hello". Fortunatley the IT guy is onto it and it seems to have stopped.


18-03-04, 03:34 PM
send it to somerset council! its about time we scared the technies with another virus and made them earn some money rather than swanning about doing fcuk all lol