View Full Version : foookin saxo drivers!!!!

17-05-01, 05:20 PM
I just went to my car in the work car park and as I was reversing out of the parking space and bloody saxo came flying round the corner from behind the building and skidded up behind me!!!! they then sat there and stared at me like it was my fault!!!! dickhead!!! I will find out who they are and being a network admin bloke, I will foook there pc so bad and set them up with dodgy emails that they will never work again!!!!! ba5t4rds!!!!!!! I'm sure some people think that this is a little but they nearly wrecked the back of my car, so they deserve everything they get!!!!!!!!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

17-05-01, 05:30 PM
good man, there all dikheds, do it john

;-)Novas back seats were NOT made gor shaggin ;-)

17-05-01, 05:34 PM
sorry should have read a little harsh!!!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

17-05-01, 05:36 PM
All dickheads??!!! Is that saxo drivers or people who can't drive....because if its all saxo drivers, then I'd like to meet you...

17-05-01, 05:38 PM
Yeah man we have a few dickhead saxo drivers round here too jon m8, really piss me off flyin down our streetive got two little brothers that play on the front garden and they screw it down our road at about 50 grrrrrr..

Not dissin u mr Kev cas ur sorted im just sick of saxos at the moment as jon is too Saxokillers.com will be set up soon....


17-05-01, 05:42 PM
Same with novas though!
Drivers are drivers, and you cannot accuse saxo drivers of being boyracers when the nova is the "boyracer" stereo-type car...
I admit that your brothers should be safe, but surely its not JUST the saxos that go racing down your road...:-/

17-05-01, 05:47 PM
it's not just the saxos mate, it's just that it was a saxo that nearly hit me!!!!! if it had been a corsa or a 2cv then I would hate them aswell!!!!!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

17-05-01, 05:47 PM
lol its not all saxo drivers m8 its just 2 that i kinda know..
i admit that not all saxo drivers are ****'s But they just annoy me its the whole nova kinda ting but reverse cas saxos outnumber novas now they are the new boy racers car i think most novas are now to peeps like us that Love the little Cars and want to make them sweet and smooth Not Rice boy style (rude cars)


17-05-01, 05:54 PM
Thing is with saxo drivers is thats now the kids car as they are all on free insurance and HP, RENT BOYS!


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

17-05-01, 05:58 PM
so most of the kiddies Who just pass they test (mummys boys) drive like Normal New drivers I.e Twats..... Kinda sums it all up... we was the same once only i didnt have a 1.6 when i first past my test far too much power for um stick with the 1.0l's


17-05-01, 06:02 PM
Saxos r like dogshit, they're everywhere, and u dont see many white ones, the same for dogshit-u dont see much white dogshit around these days either.
Dont u just love the "changing rooms" style interior trim featured in pink,green, and lilac for all u ladyboys outhere, u know who u r! :)
Been for a few beers today-my appologies.

Who stole all the white dog shit!!!! :-/

17-05-01, 08:32 PM
tone your tapped mate

:D City City RA RA RA, Leeds Leeds BA BA BA, Scousers Scousers... where's my car? :D

17-05-01, 08:52 PM
Im more worried about the b******d reps that think a nova isnt going to give em greif if the cut u up on the way to work, dont u just love the look on there face when u pass em up the inside on a roundabout

17-05-01, 08:52 PM
lmfao!!!!! it is true I suppose that alot of the vtrs etc are driven by just passed people, so they drive really bad!!!!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

18-05-01, 09:20 AM
Its the free insurance, it makes them very affordable, shame they are only rented lol


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

18-05-01, 10:08 AM
Free insurance is only over 21's on any of the 1.6 models, and the VTS doesnt have it.
They havnt done that offer for a long time now, only on the 1.1 and the Westcoast...
The reason youngsters have them is because its got a lot of press as a nice car to have, *which it is, and so they go out and buy one on finance...

18-05-01, 11:17 AM


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

18-05-01, 12:21 PM
Yeah free insurance. you ever read the small print. I'd check your excess and then tell me ur getting a good deal.

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

18-05-01, 12:35 PM
i still wanna see a 2.0 16v saxo!!!!

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18-05-01, 12:37 PM
i don't. i'm happy for them to be scrapped.


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

18-05-01, 12:43 PM
Ste. Mummy won't pay for an engine conversion LOL.

Anyway no saxo owner is old enough to get insurance on a 2l.

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

18-05-01, 12:48 PM
True story from BAT !!
Cliftys(the real one, not chris gonzales pretending lol) car went front cover with BAT bumper, dave was told to expect loads of calls from saxo owners what did he get???

Yes, calls about the bumper, but they were all from their mums and dads ...roflmao ...absolutely true!


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

18-05-01, 01:01 PM
Yep tis true, i was there when he was saying it.

B-) "Don't send me back to the dark place" B-)

18-05-01, 02:30 PM
I wish my mum or dad would buy me some crazy front bumper or an engine conversion!!! the most I ever got was a set of door lock pins and even then it was only cos they were on sale!!!!! lol!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

18-05-01, 02:34 PM
all i get is "get rid of that car you spend too much on it"
"what did you get that for"
on 17" wheels, "they look no different"(to 14" ones!!!)
or if they do buy something it's normally something cheap and tacky thats been on sale like a cassette holder, that automatically gets binned.


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

18-05-01, 03:00 PM
lol!! it sounds like your parent are very similar to mine!!!!!

Mmmmm forbidden donut. :)

18-05-01, 03:02 PM
when i needed a jump start "when did you get that engine!" errm when i blew the other one up lol!


Liverpool - Champions of Europe, Unique Cup treble.

19-05-01, 02:19 AM
My Mum and Dad have a little more cred I'm pleased to say.....they've bought me decent stuff like racing foot pedals, 6x9's, huge tool kit etc. My Dad used to mod all his cars, so he knows where we're all coming from, though he does occasionally complain when I spend a little too much cash on something, instead of paying my board :D

As for Saxo drivers....I'd say mostly twats! I get really pissed off by the little wankers around where I live, in mummies car...and it's always fucking Saxos....RENT BOYS as Ian says!
What's so funny is they buy a new car so they get free insurance....hum...can they do maths?
Right, you buy a new car, and it depreciates by a couple of grand at least, in the first year....that'd buy you a decent Nova SR and insure it! Stupid people. I'd never buy a new car...never!
One of my sister's mates is determined to spend all her hard earned cash buying a bloody Saxo, just 'cos she gets free insurance for the first year...STUPID! Learn to count!

Sorry.....got a bit carried away there :p