View Full Version : Flush boot job...

25-08-00, 09:56 AM
I am after taking the number plate off the back of my Nova and relocating it on the bottom lip of the GTE rear bumper. This will however leave the plastic bit with the lock on looking crap, and a recess where the number plate once was. Can anyone tell me how to go about smoothing out the number plate recess and what to do about the bit with the lock on. How much are solenoids and where do you get them from? How much are the to fit, or can I fit them myself? Please help 'caus this mod looks the dogs, and it has to be done!

25-08-00, 11:20 AM
The best thing 2 do is weld a stainless steel panel right across the tailgate, then smooth the joins with filler and respray the tailgate

26-08-00, 12:52 PM
solinoids from a mk1 carlton work fine in me flushed nova